Monday, October 8, 2012

Internet Marketing Lebanon 2012 Q4 | Majed Al Tamer - WSI Digital ...

It?s not a secret any more that Lebanon?s economy has slowed down starting the second quarter of this year due to the local political and security incidents that took place and the regional instability that the Middle East as a whole is facing. In these tough times business owners need to find ways to sustain their businesses through implementing various changes to their business operations. One major reaction to the economical instability that most companies usually adopt is reducing cost or shifting to more cost efficient means to reach their business goals. We are writing this post today to clarify how allocating more dollars to your internet marketing budgets could help you reduce cost and eventually sustain your businesses in such tough times.

To start internet marketing is relatively less expensive than most other forms of communication media. By shifting the focus of your marketing plans from the offline activities to the online activities you could surely achieve the same results by spending a considerably less amount of money. Just like the traditional media, the internet gives you the ability to create awareness, generate sales and promote new items and events. By marketing yourself through search engine marketing, Social media advertising and optimization, online video production and last but not least banner advertising, you could achieve your marketing objectives with much less dollars than you are spending now through marketing through offline media.

The internet also gives you the ability to present your ads specifically to your target market rather than communicating your messages to the masses. By doing so you will spend less as many digital marketing strategies bill you according to the number of people who clicked or saw you add rather than a stable fee like most offline media usually do. As a result of that you will be sure that you are spending your marketing money on advertising to an interested audience with a higher possibility of converting into real customers. All of which will lead you to getting a higher return on marketing investment while reducing your marketing spending.

The production costs associated with producing online marketing material is much less expensive than the offline production costs. For example if you wish to redesign a outdoor signage campaign you will have to pay the cost of printing all over again, while in banner advertising which achieves the same results, this could be done by investing a minimal amount of design cost. This will enable you to gain more flexibility in your communications while reducing your marketing costs.

Finally, the internet gives you a wide range of tools that you could use to market yourself without even paying a fee. If your online marketing initiatives were set up correctly you could easily use them to market yourself without any additional cost incurred and without having to invest more time. For example if a video advertisement was uploaded online it could be used for an unlimited time to market yourself, while if it was to be presented on TV you will have to spend money for every time this ad appears.

Above are only a few reasons why online marketing is more cost efficient than offline marketing. In the financial crisis that hit the world in the beginning of this millennium most companies in the emerged markets have shifted their marketing dollars from the offline to the online and most of them were successful in this transition. To learn more on how you could undergo this transition please contact us @ 70/007 351 0r 70/333 037 or email us at .


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