Monday, December 31, 2012

Superwoman Spirit: Friend making Monday FMM

I am not real big on resolutions but I find myself kind of making them anyway. ?One of mine is to fill my life with things that inspire me. ?One of the things that inspire me is reading amazing blogs. My inspiration meter gets filled up by seeing the possibility in myself through others. ?Since I am just getting back into the groove of things here today I am going to take an easy route on this blog post and do FMM (Friend Making Monday) from All The Weigh. ?You can also go to All The Weigh and participate by answering these same questions and linking them up in the comments. Thanks for making it easy on me Kenlie!

The topic is 2013

1.?Share one thing that you plan to do for yourself in 2013.? Find myself again. ?Sounds corny but I seriously have gotten lost the past 2+ years and I miss me.?

2.?Share a good habit that you will continue doing into the new year.? Meditating. ?I have just started learning how and it is amazing. ?Love having this tool in my tool box of life. ?Thanks Kat!

3.?Do you make new year?s make resolutions? If so, do you typically stick to them??By default yes but if I made a huge statement with a new year's resolution I would most likely stress myself out and fail. ?So I just go with the flow and what feels right at the moment. ?It works better for me that way. ?I guess I am just not good under pressure. ?

4.?Do you have any health goals for the new year??Yes! ?Just better health in general. ?I do plan to start exercising again and mindfully eating. ?This refers right back to #1.

5.?Share one thing that you plan to do in January.?Make myself a schedule. ?I am tired of waking up overwhelmed and guessing what to do for the day. I need more structure for sure.

6.?Do you have any travel plans for the coming year? If so, where are you most excited to go??There are several in the wish box that include a couple trips to California and possibly Oregon but the wish box has to match up with the money and time boxes. ?So far looking good ;)?

7.?What are your plans for New Year?s Eve??Home, family, card games and movies. ?I am relishing every single new year that the Rottens are still in the house. ?I know it will change all to soon.?

8.?What are your resolutions for 2013??Go with the flow.?

9.?What are you looking forward to most over the next 12 months? Reconnecting with my inspiring friends. ?Finding the parts of me that I have lost and really embracing the possibility of what can be.

10.?Share something unique that you hope to do in 2013.?That is tough one! ?Try new things. ?Step outside my comfort zone. ?Maybe not so unique but it will be more than enough for me!

Now it's your turn to answer these questions. ?Don't forget to go come back and link up your post in the comments and say hi to someone new! ?


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