Wednesday, February 29, 2012

All You Need To Know On Dual Diagnosis ... - New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Dual diagnosis in the individual encompasses mental illness and alcohol or abusing drugs. Dual diagnosis means simultaneous presence of them two disorders inside individual?s body. Common instances of dual disorder include a combined cocaine addiction as well as a major depression, social anxiety disorder and alcohol dependency, schizophrenia coupled track of multiple drug addiction and borderline personality disorder coupled up with episodic multiple drug use. In other instances, patients with dual diagnosis often have multiple disorders. Dual diagnosis individuals experience severe physical, psychological and social problems.

A significant fact to note about dual diagnosis is it changes what sort of brain works. This could be due to the simultaneous impacts on the medical disorder and drug abuse within the normal functioning of the brain. Dual diagnosis brings about self medication whereby the individual uses various drugs make it possible for them feel relaxed. Certainly one of this is the using tobacco by schizophrenic patients in bid to raise cognition lower the disease?s symptoms. Secondly, the abuse of alcohol or drugs in return creates a situation whereby the drug abuser exhibits the signs of above mental illnesses. Thirdly, drug use and also other mental disorders may be the result of external factors e.g. genetics or early experience trauma thus bringing about a position whereby the individual develops dual diagnosis.

Also numerous dualistic oriented therapeutic drugs and alcohol detox programs could likewise comprise of inclusive and virtually incessant care programs that are essentially emerge destination to afford support and as well administration for some addicts to meaningfully guarantee high level grade on virtual success to minimize on installments of relapse. To find out that only appropriate drug rehab programs are chosen then you?ve got to conduct some primary research on some selected centers in ways that you could possibly only pick establishments that provide the precise style of dualistic therapy you wish to have.

Detoxification entails the reduction of alcohol or drug toxins in the individual?s body. In instances of severe addiction, detoxification is done medically. It really is worth noting that detoxification should be done in the guidance of a physician just because it?s a very dangerous process .A dual diagnosis individual undergoing detoxification will exhibit withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms is a internal and external reactions arising from the discontinued usage of alcohol and drugs. In most cases, withdrawal symptoms disappear after having a number of days or weeks.

Prolonged withdrawal symptoms are treated medically in an attempt to encourage the dual diagnosis individual progress the next stage of treatment. The following stage of dual diagnosis therapy for this is known as dual treatment stage. The twin treatment stage targets both disorders. The twin treatment stage may be put into two main parts namely drug and alcohol abuse treatment and mental disorder treatment. The mental disorder treatment integrates several therapies and medications targeted at improving the dual diagnosis individual interact well with other people. The individual?s selection skills can also be enhanced. Drug and alcohol abuse treatment also entails quite a few therapies that assist anyone overcome her or his alcohol or misused of drugs.

Getting the aid of a drug rehabilitation center with regard to Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers In Maryland and Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers In Montana.

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - It's looking like President Barack Obama may be back in the good graces of women.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond (Wii) Review | Video Games News ...

If you?ve read my Pokemon Rumble Blast review, you know I?m a huge Pokemon fan. So when I give a Pokemon video game a less than stellar score, you know that there have to be some problems with it. Well, in the case of PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond, it really stems from the poor controls and branches out into some very harsh limitations associated with those controls. Now don?t get me wrong, kids and fans of the series will still get some enjoyment, it just isn?t perfect.

The game actually starts out in a really?cool fashion with?Reshiram?and Zekrom?talking?about how the world could end, which?they are okay with, but that?there is light.? Queue Pikachu?appearing on screen?and meeting up with?Piplup. I won?t bore you with the details but you can expect some long winded conversations that finally lead you to Wish Park.

Apparently, Pokemon are visiting that area and not returning, forcing you to travel there and investigate. Well, after some pretty interesting story developments, Piplup?gets trapped in Wish Park and you, as Pikachu,?go on a quest to?save him. In order to do this, you must search around the tiny game world,?befriending Pokemon in order to advance to new areas. Instead of including a myriad of different ways to befriend the Pokemon, it really just boils down to three: Chase, battling, or a simple fetch quest.

Chase is just a standard game of tag, that has you racing after a Pokemon by tapping 1 furiously and shaking the Wii Remote to do a big boost. Battling places you in a small arena with your opponent, blasting them away with your Thunderbolt or hitting them hard with Iron Tail, and fetch quests are fetch quests. The main issue with all of these, and the entire game, is the fact that the game is controlled entirely with the Wii Remote and doesn?t include the Nunchuk in any way.

Being that PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond?is a fully fledged 3D adventure game, with some surprisingly good graphics and extremely catchy battle music,?controlling it with the D-pad?is a maddening experience. Just moving around has now become an impossible task because you never quite have complete control over where your character is going. This is especially true when you are playing Chase because opponents will often do a sharp turn, causing?you to?lose them pretty quickly?while crashing into something. I have never played the original game, but I know the controls were a problem and I just don?t know why they didn?t fix it.

As much as the simple act of moving around is a chore due to the controls, battling is also heavily hindered by them as well. Since there are so few buttons on the Wii Remote, you only have 2 moves at your disposal throughout the entire game. You may be able to power up your Thunderbolt and Iron Tail, but you don?t have Electro Tail or Volt Tackle in the game, a glaring omission. By including a Nunchuk, they could have easily upped the move total to 3 or 4 and had battles be very interesting and strategic, instead of very one-note and easy. Once you figure out that all you have to do is dodge and unleash an Iron Tail repeatedly to win battles, the game will breeze by.

One awesome new feature that was implemented since the first game?is the addition of more playable characters. Instead of just controlling Pikachu,?you are given Oshawott, Snivy, and Tepig to help you out. Each Pokemon adds something new to the game, such as swimming, jumping higher, or a boulder-breaking tackle attack. Switching between Pokemon to complete?tasks is a lot of fun and I?m glad they expanded upon the 1 character gameplay seen in the previous version.

Having these extra characters in the game does add a bit of strategy to your battles, but again, the lack of moves is disappointing. Snivy?gets Leaf Storm and Leaf Tornado, but no Solarbeam?or Razor Leaf. Oshawott?gets Water Gun and Razor Shell, yet no Aqua Jet or Hydro Pump. Tepig gets Flamethrower and Heat Crash (which is a hilarious butt stomp attack), yet no Fire Blast or Fire Spin. As much fun as the battling and exploring the over?100 different Pokemon was, I was always hoping for more?to do?and I never got it.

The only real variety could be attributed to the mini games you encounter while in Wish Park. Each time you visit Wish Park to save Pokemon from the big bad in the game (I won?t ruin the surprise, but it isn?t?a Pokemon introduced in?Black and White), you have to defeat other Pokemon such as Cofagrigus?or Chandelure. Before battling them?in an easy, yet interesting fashion,?you have to?partake in some?mini games that involve making cupcakes or dancing? seriously. In order to complete them, you point the Wii Remote at the screen or shake it in time. Once you beat them, they are available to play in multiplayer but they just aren?t fun enough to play again.

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Despite my love of Pokemon, PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond was a bit of a disappointment. It only takes about 8 hours to beat (10 hours if you want to befriend everyone),?it has very little variety in the?moves, and it is a very easy game. They may have captured the pure essence of Pokemon, creating a?fun to explore world,?but the?numerous shortcomings hold it back.


PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond was reviewed with a copy provided by Nintendo.

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World News - South Africa's Mandela 'comfortable' after keyhole ...

By news services

?JOHANNESBURG -- Nelson Mandela remained in hospital on Sunday after keyhole surgery that officials said had left him in no danger but increased South Africans' concerns for their aging former president.

President Jacob Zuma told the country not to panic after the 93-year-old anti-apartheid leader was hospitalized with chronic abdominal pain on Saturday, saying he should be discharged on Sunday or Monday.

In the latest health update, Defense Minister Lindiwe Sisulu said Mandela had had "investigative laparoscopy" -- where a tiny camera is inserted into the abdomen -- and denied reports that he had undergone surgery for a hernia.


South Africa's 93-year-old former leader remains hospitalized. NBC News Special Correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault reports on his progress.

"It wasn't the surgery that has been out there in the media at all," Sisulu told a media briefing in Cape Town. "He's fine. He's as fine as can be at his age -- and handsome."

The government has not revealed where Mandela is being treated, although reporters were being kept at a distance from Pretoria's "1 Military" hospital, which is officially responsible for the health of sitting and former presidents.

South Africa's former President Nelson Mandela hospitalized

Mandela, a Nobel peace laureate who spent 27 years in prison for fighting racist white rule, has officially retired and last appeared in public in July 2010. He became South Africa's first black president in 1994 and served one five-year term.

On Sunday, well-wishers prayed for Mandela at Regina Mundi church in Soweto, a former center of anti-apartheid protests and funerals.

In 1997, Mandela spoke at the church, calling it a "battlefield between forces of democracy and those who did not hesitate to violate a place of religion with tear gas, dogs and guns."

But despite widespread public affection, most accept that Mandela may not live for much longer.

"We wish him well," said Soweto resident Ronny Zondi. "But understanding his age, we've got to accept he might not be with us for long. We wish that God could keep him longer."

Mandela's last public appearance was in July 2010 at the final of the World Cup in Johannesburg's Soccer City stadium. He now divides his time between his home in Johannesburg's northern suburbs and his ancestral village of Qunu in the Eastern Cape.

The government's public comments on Mandela's hospitalization have been markedly more open than a year ago.

Then, Zuma's office took hours to confirm media reports of a sudden decline in Mandela's health, leading to a scrum of local and international reporters outside Johannesburg's Milpark hospital.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

More from and NBC News:



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Monday, February 27, 2012

Hugo Chavez may have aggressive tumor, cancer experts say ? The Washington Post

BOGOTA, Colombia ? Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will undergo cancer surgery in Cuba for the third time in eight months as early as Monday, an indication that he may be facing an aggressive tumor that could spread throughout his body, oncologists and gastroenterologists say.

In a country where Chavez makes all major decisions and pronouncements, details about his illness remain sketchy, with only the maximum leader revealing what he sees fit to disclose. But leading doctors who treat various forms of cancer, including those in the pelvic area where Chavez has been stricken, say the recent discovery of a one-inch formation points to a new, potentially critical stage for the president.

?He is facing a delicate situation, one of great uncertainty and everything points to an aggressive tumor,? said Carlos Castro, a Colombian oncologist and scientific director of the Colombian League Against Cancer. ?I wouldn?t be surprised if in a few months we hear about a small lesion elsewhere in his body, in a lung, or in the liver. That?s called metastasis.?

Like Castro, Floriano Marchetti, a University of Miami professor who treats colon and rectal cancer, does not have direct knowledge of Chavez?s health. But Marchetti, too, has followed the president?s pronouncements about his fight with cancer, including the announcement last week that Cuban doctors would operate once more to remove what could be a malignant growth.

?The guy had surgery, he had chemotherapy and less than a year later he is having the same problem in the same area,? Marchetti said, speaking by phone during a break in an operation he was conducting in Miami. ?That obviously is a bad prognosticating indicator.?

Facing reelection fight

Chavez, a 57-year-old leftist firebrand who has formed alliances with pariah nations ranging from Syria to Iran to Cuba, has been a political provocateur since he led a failed coup in 1992. But since June, questions about his health have dominated political discussions in oil-rich Venezuela.

That was when Chavez announced on national television that he had undergone two operations in Cuba that removed a baseball-size tumor. He never publicly disclosed what kind of cancer he had, nor the site of the original tumor.

The president later revealed that he had four chemotherapy sessions. He then pronounced himself cured of cancer and resumed a hard-driving campaign to secure victory in October?s presidential election, in which he faces a 39-year-old challenger, Henrique Capriles.

But then Tuesday, Chavez said Cuban doctors had detected ?a lesion? with a high probability of being cancerous in the same spot where the first tumor had been removed.

On Thursday, his last full day in Venezuela before flying to Cuba, Chavez hosted an event for his staunch followers at a Caracas theater in which he described how Jesus Christ had come to him in a dream. ?He told me, ?Chavez, get up, it is not time to die, it is time to live,??? Chavez said.

Chavez also sounded contemplative, saying he was ?preparing for the worst.? Speaking of the lesion, he said that ?the possibility that it is malignant is greater than it not being? malignant.

Doctors consulted in Colombia, Venezuela and the United States say Chavez probably has a tumor and that it may have metastasized. The fact that a new growth appeared so soon after his chemotherapy was seen as a sign that it is a stubborn tumor.

?It is a new growth from probably the same tumor that was treated before,? said Leon Lapco, a Miami-based kidney specialist who is president of the Venezuelan-American Medical Association. He said that there is ?an extremely high possibility? that other cancerous cells ?are already in there, at least some cells, some malignant cells.?

The spread of the cancerous cell would depend on the type of tumor and the location, said Pedro Jose Greer Jr., a liver and digestive disease specialist in Miami.

?Some tumors spread by lymph node,? said Greer, who is also a professor at Florida International University?s medical school. ?Those that spread by blood will end up in the liver and in the lungs. And some spread locally,? meaning they invade tissues adjacent to the tumor.

?I will return?

Judging from what Chavez has said about his illness, his tumor could be in the bladder, the rectum or the colon, said Marchetti, the Miami doctor who treats rectal and colon cancer.

?Particularly, for colo-rectal cancers, 80 percent of the tumor recurs within the first two years after treatment,? Marchetti said. ?The bottom line is that whatever it is, it?s a problem because now it?s back.?

Marchetti said the operation Chavez faces in Cuba, along with radiation therapy or chemotherapy, will be challenging for his medical team. ?The cancer stepped up the fight, and now you have to come up with better forms of treating it,? Marchetti said. ?Otherwise there will be no hope.?

Chavez, though, is planning to govern from Cuba while planning his return to Venezuela to resume campaigning for a new six-year term to extend his presidency until 2019. ?I will return as I always return ? with more energy, more enthusiasm and more happiness,? Chavez wrote in a letter to the National Assembly last week.

Specialists such as Douglas Leon Natera, a surgeon and urologist in Caracas who is president of the Venezuelan Medical Federation, said the president?s condition calls for him to set aside governing for now.

?He wants to transmit a show of strength to all of Venezuela?s people, followers or not, so they believe that he is full of vigor and can continue governing,? Natera said. ?You are left with the impression that what predominates is politics over his own health.?

Hugo Chavez may have aggressive tumor, cancer experts say ? The Washington Post.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Vertical Chest Board and Chalk Board - Family Woodworking

I've been busy and haven't gotten anything posted lately, but I did manage to get a couple little projects off the list. The chess board is for a friend that is going to get it framed for his son. 3/4" MDF back, with resawn tiles about 3/32" thick, glued on with just a little spacing between in case they expand.

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The chalk board was for my wife. 3/4" mdf again with some krylon chalkboard paint from walmart and mouldings from lowes. The chalkboard paint works well, but you have to get the chalk started by rubbing through the outer coating on something harder. A new stick of chalk will scratch it a little and doesn't write well till you get past the coating.

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Key Details of Asbestos Lung Disease and Asbestos Exposure ...

You are here: Home / Supplements / Key Details of Asbestos Lung Disease and Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos is a group of six natural minerals which are observed all over the world. Asbestos lung disease is the overall designation given to several types of disorders caused by breathing in asbestos fibers, some malignant and some of them not cancerous. The mesothelium of the lungs is where seventy-five percent of all asbestos diseases are located, but many other organs which include the heart and abdomen might also be involved. Mesothelioma, a variety of carcinoma of the lung, is the most severe of the asbestos sicknesses, but other forms can be found, including pleural disease and asbestosis.

When fibrotic growth and scarring damage in the lung mesothelium occurs it?s called asbestosis. Pleural disease is regarded as a non-cancerous asbestos lung disease that is seen in the lung mesothelium, which is a very thin cell layer on the surface of the lung. Mesothelioma is the label given to the malignant form of cancer that develops in the lung mesothelium as a result of asbestos exposure. The one identified source of malignant mesothelioma cancer is the inhalation of asbestos particles.

It generally takes as much as twenty or thirty years, and sometimes a lot longer, before any sort of malignant mesothelioma cancer symptoms are observed as a result of asbestos exposure. Then again, for some patients a cancerous asbestos lung disease will not show warning signs for 60 years or even more after exposure. Those that smoke have a much greater chance of getting mesothelioma and other asbestos sicknesses.

The disease asbestosis is occasionally incorrectly called asbestos asthma, asbestos pulmonary fibrosis, asbestos emphysema, and other terms, but whatever it?s called, asbestosis is the disease that almost everyone is making reference to. It was during the very early 20th century that the link between asbestos and lung cancer was spotted, but the number of asbestos diseases kept on growing until the middle 20th century. All these cases had been a result of asbestos exposure decades before. While the relationship between lung cancer and asbestos was indeed recognized years before, the usage of asbestos for manufacturing and construction products wasn?t really halted until the eighties. One particular large exposure won?t normally bring about an illness. Ordinarily, elevated levels of direct exposure over a prolonged period will have to occur.

Whenever you think you were actually subjected to asbestos it is almost always recommended that you make an asbestos claim by means of a knowledgeable asbestos law firm. You will have the option to either make your own personal claim or to participate in a class action law suit. It is also smart to make claims even when no asbestos signs or symptoms have appeared yet. Any time a man or women has actually been exposed to asbestos, asbestos lung disease could continue to advance without symptoms for several years. Regrettably, for most patients, asbestos related diseases aren?t diagnosed until the end stages simply because of the absence of asbestos disease symptoms.

Diagnostic tests for diseases and treatment can be extremely expensive with regard to an asbestos related condition, which is the reason for submitting an asbestos claim, so that you can cover any type of needed health fees. Once you?ve been exposed to asbestos it?s a wise decision to have frequent examinations to help detect asbestos conditions early. You should not hold off until signs and symptoms emerge before visiting a medical doctor. The best way to improve the cancer prognosis and life expectancy for any asbestos lung disease is to have it clinically diagnosed as quickly as possible.


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Presbyterian Minister Censured for Gay Weddings | MGN: Miami ...

By admin on February 24, 2012 ? Comments Off

A retired Presbyterian minister who officiated at 16 same-sex weddings during the brief period they were legal in California has been censured by her denomination?s highest court.

The General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ruled in a 9-6 verdict issued Tuesday that the Rev. Jane Spahr of San Francisco deliberately violated church law when she conducted the marriage ceremonies in 2008.

Spahr, 69, who was ordained two years before she came out as a lesbian during the 1970s and subsequently went on to lead a national ministry that lobbied to have the church allow openly gay clergy as pastors, admitted marrying the couples, but argued that her actions were inspired by Presbyterian teachings on diversity and inclusion.

The commission previously has ruled that clergy may bless same-sex unions, but can only perform wedding ceremonies for opposite-sex couples.

?The issue is not simply the same-sex ceremony,? the commission wrote in its majority opinion decision. ?It is the misrepresentation that the Presbyterian Church ? recognizes the ceremony and the resulting relationship to be a marriage in the eyes of the church.?

The censure constitutes an official rebuke, but does not carry additional penalties such as or exclusion from church services or ex-communication.

The commission, made up of 15 ministers and elders from around the country, held a hearing on Spahr?s case in San Antonio last week. The six members who voted against censuring Spahr said punishing her sends the message that gay couples ?are children of a lesser God.?

?This second-class ? treatment proclaims the hypocrisy of our present interpretations,? the minority?s dissent read.

The actions that led to Tuesday?s verdict were the second time Spahr had challenged the Presbyterian Church?s teachings on same-sex relationships. The Permanent Judicial Commission acquitted her on charges of officiating at the weddings of two lesbian couples in 2004 and 2005 after concluding Spahr did not violate the church?s constitution because the ceremonies she performed were not legal marriages.

The church?s 173 regional bodies amended the Presbyterian constitution last year to allow the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy in committed same-sex relationships. Church leaders are expected to vote on this summer on whether to amend it further to allow ministers to officiate at same-sex weddings

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Romney says he is "only chance" to defeat Obama (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Mitt Romney on Friday declared himself the Republican presidential candidate with "the only chance" to defeat President Barack Obama as he seized on signs that rival Rick Santorum's grip on Michigan appears to be slipping.


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Friday, February 24, 2012

Video: Market Bulls vs. Bears

An optimistic and cautious view of the markets now, with Todd Schoenberger, LandColt Trading LLC, and Anthony Valeri, LPL Financial.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Metropolis - Arts & Entertainment | My Morning Jacket

Louisville, Kentucky rock band My Morning Jacket will be here in late March. Before that, lead singer Jim James tours with New Multitudes, a side project that has just released an eponymous album setting unreleased lyrics by American folk legend Woody Guthrie to new music.

Guthrie?s message of social justice is getting renewed attention in the context of growing inequality and the Occupy movement. ?He had a way of speaking truthfully about things, and if he was bothered by something he would talk about it,? explains James from his hometown Louisville.

The shaggy singer was invited by Guthrie?s daughter to look through Woody?s archives, and was impressed enough with what he saw to create the New Multitudes project along with Jay Farrar (Son Volt), Will Johnson (Centro-matic) and Anders Parker (Varnaline).

?The big themes of life and death and love are timeless. There is something so truthful and honest about the way he said things,? James expands. ?It?s almost like his words are rocks that were here before we were and will be here long after we?re gone.?
Is this an approach James tries to bring to My Morning Jacket?s brand of post-grunge alt-rock? ?Woody has never been a primary inspiration to me like he was to Bob Dylan,? he admits. ?Nora [Guthrie?s daughter] has done a great job reminding the younger generation about Woody, and having new artists write new music to his lost words?it?s a phenomenal idea.?

With frontman James along with Tom Blankenship on bass, Patrick Hallahan on drums, Bo Koster on keyboards and Carl Broemel on guitar, My Morning Jacket don?t hit you over the head with socially conscious messages, but they are politically active.

This summer, they curate Louisville?s growing Forecastle Festival, with its message of ?Music Art Activism.? ?We?re putting our heads together about ways to bring the most exciting music and also turn people onto good causes,? James enthuses. ?Mountaintop removal coalmining is one concern. Also, music and arts education for kids, and centers for families in bad situations. One of the cool things about people wanting to come see your music is being able to turn them on to causes they might not know about.?

My Morning Jacket?s upcoming tour sees them playing tracks off their sixth and latest album Circuital. Recorded in a church basement in Louisville, the disc has a comfy, hometown feel and was nominated for a Best Alternative Album Grammy.

?It?s just informed by life and me trying to figure it out,? James says about the record. ?Making albums can be really stressful, but this one was very warm and a natural process. I think we?ve benefitted by being together so long now. Even the ?new? members of the band have been here since 2004, so we?ve had a lot of time and formed into this beautiful family unit that enjoys spending time and creating together.?

Despite the band?s Kentucky roots, James rejects associations with Southern rock. ?People love to bring up the term, but I?ve never considered us a Southern rock band,? he states. ?I don?t have anything against Southern rock, but we?ve never considered Louisville a Southern place. We?ve always identified more with Chicago or St Louis. A lot of people think of Kentucky as the South, and us having long hair?if you want to call us a Southern rock band I can understand?but I?ve never been the biggest Skynyrd or Allman Brothers fan.?

Which isn?t to say James doesn?t identify with the South?s rebel spirit. When it comes to internet piracy he?s all in favor. ?I wrote my congressman to stop the passage of SOPA and PIPA,? he says of the proposed anti-piracy laws that recently created a stir.

?I feel like the internet should be a free and open place. We can see how the music industry has been impacted by people stealing music on the internet, but there?s a larger issue about the fact that a lot of my friends can?t afford health care. Until we get that figured out, if my friends can?t afford healthcare I welcome them stealing music on the internet all day long.?

Shibuya Ax, Mar 29 (listing).


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Healthy Weight Loss with Natural Food | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

There are particular types of foods that are great at helping you lose your extra weight. Though you may currently view it problematic to trim down in your current training regime, if you happen to modify your eating habits, this could easily help you to obtain the ideal weight for your body. There are plenty of fat loss foods that are just not only beneficial for your waistline, but they are also vital in maintaining total wellbeing.

Have a good start to your day, by having a healthy breakfast. This meal is essential mainly because it can provide the energy to help keep you going for the rest of the day. Your breakfast also maintains your metabolic rate throughout the day, which is crucial for fat burning. When you enjoy a good breakfast, you should be also far less prone to grasp to get a sugary or high carbohydrate snack later in the morning.

The following thing that you have to do is monitor what you eat you eat through the day. It?s important to pay close attention to exactly what you are eating, along with the portion of what you are eating. Swat up on your foods and food products, so you can differentiate between the correct low fat food, and a low fat food with questionable health rewards. You may be surprised, a large amount of low fat foods are not particularly healthy for you (as they may contain sweeteners for instance) or are really not very low fat at all (they could be rich in sugars in place of fat, which can still convert to fat within your body).

Fruit and veggies are definitely necessary to the ideal, balanced diet, supplying you with essential vitamins and minerals. If you are hoping to lose weight, attempt to make fruit and vegetables an enormous component of your diet, and always buy organic whenever you can. Fruit and vegetables also help to detox your body and its internal system, flushing excess waste and toxins, plus the fiber and water content will be sure to make you be fuller for longer after your meals, and also help with digestion.

Begin substituting fatty and manufactured foods like nachos and sodas to healthier weight loss foods like lean proteins, healthy grains, pulses, vegetables and fruit. In addition to experiencing some weight loss, you should start to feel healthier and have higher energy. Likewise you will feel more content between meals if you are eating a healthy diet, as well as your cravings for sweets and high calorie snacks ought to be reduced.

Having an unhealthy diet, could be a vicious circle. For example, going for sweets and fatty foods may in fact change the opiate receptors within your brain to exhaust you of endorphins. When you have low endorphin levels, you are a lot less likely to train and eat properly. Of course, for anybody who is not exercising and eating well, you will not be boosting your endorphin levels, and this lower level will again leave you craving sweet and fatty foods, and so on.

The key to weight reduction and healthy eating should be to try to stick with nature as closely as you can, when choosing your weight loss foods. This suggests choosing organic food when possible, and also choosing unrefined foods similar to whole wheat bread and brown rice, in place of their white and refined counterparts. Always read food labels, in case the ingredient list of a food product is long, with many different chemical looking names which you don?t recognize, steer clear. Frequently the less the ingredients inside of a product, the better the food. Always look out for the salt content of the food product too; you can be surprised by how much salt is usually put in to attempt to have a mediocre product taste good.

Discover more about weight loss by visiting this site on how to choose the quickest way to lose weight for your needs.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What do you actually think of when you hear College Football??

It is that time of the year again when Saturdays are filled with varsity football games. Everybody everywhere has a fave team they love to watch weekly. University football season makes you think of fall, pumpkins,and sports-themed sweatshirts. When you think about college soccer what precisely do you think of? Collegefootball memories are usually of Thanksgiving, The Rose bowl, and Saturday football parties. Collegefootball season is a thrilling time for everybody particularly those with a favourite team, and we all wonder what our favourite groups College Football Odds are for winning the Nation's championship are.

There are many groups that everybody is looking for to have a great winning season. The Penn StateNittany Lions for example are one team. Everyone seems to be on the lookout for a winning season from PennState to add to Joe Paterno?s winning history. Joe Paterno has been the coach of the Penn StateNittany Lions since 1966. Since that point Penn State has had 78 first team all Northern Americans, 16 Nationwide football foundation students. Each year everyone looks for Penn State to make it to the finals and win.

Another favourite in school football is The Varsity of South Carolina, or USC. USC is a power house in the University Football dep.. They have won 11 national Championships. The most impressive figures of USC are that 472 of their players have been drafted into the NFL. One of USC?s largest rivals is Stanford. The Stanford rivalry goes back to 1905?

The Michigan Wolverines are another great college football team that everybody looks forward to watching. In total Michigan has been in 40 different bowl games. Their general record in the bowl games is 19 to 21. It is impressive to see that they have been to 33 successive bowl games.

Another big hitter I the LSU Tigers. Some people may know them as the Bayou Tigers. They are more famous for being the first team since the inception of the BCS to win more than one BCS national title.They have won 13 different meeting championship games, all since they become founding members of the SEC.

Alabama is another one of the favorites in College Football. Since their football programme began in 1892 they?ve only had 28 different head coaches. In 1907 is when they were given the name of the CrimsonTide. In total they've had 31 different showings in the big 4 varsity bowl games. The enormous four bowl games are called the Cotton bowl, the Rose Bowl, the Orange bowl, and the Sugar bowl.

One other more distinguished school football team is the Ohio State buckeyes. The largest game of the year for many college football fans is that between Ohio State and Penn State. These are the 2 state to state rivals. Many places around the country fill with those entertaining on one team or another. This is sometimes known as the Gigantic 10 rival of the year!

Last but certainly not least in our list of College football heavy weights is the Nebraska Cornhuskers. TheCornhuskers hold the record for the 4th most victories in the Division I-A team. Just this year they made the choice to change over from the Enormous 12 meeting to the Giant 10 meeting where they join teams like Penn state, Purdue, Michigan State, Michigan, Iowa, and Ohio State.

So when you think of school football do you think of Penn State, bowl games, USC? It is interesting to discuss varsity football with a lot of different folks. When you request that precise question you will get many alternative answers. Some people think of cool weather, sweatshirts, and pumpkin pie. Others will brazenly tell you about their favourite teams and how they're going all the way this year. And even others may reminisce about sitting in the corner boozer with pals enjoying their weekly drink and varsity football game. No matter what you think about when you are asked about School football, chances are it is often a great memory. College Football season gives an opportunity for buddies and relatives to gather once every week to cheer on their fave teams. A chance for college kids to cheer on their home college, and an opportunity for the players to get out on the field and play their hearts out looking for a victory.

Jack Linger is a newshound and freelance writer who loves and covers often sports. Find his favorite USA Sportsbooks and the largest sportsbooksbonus codes.


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Email Spam Blocker Can Help Your Business In More Ways Than One

Published by witter | February 19, 2012 | | 11

The sheer abundant and user friendly nature of email makes it more vulnerable to utter exploitation. In such milieus, not only individuals but also business entities need to keep a tab on Enterprise Email Security and Internet Email Security through various Mail Security Programs which can be procured from the World Wide Web through a bit of intricate research. The most feared peril that Email Spam does is that of committing identity theft and distributing malwares.

If you want a complete Email Spam Stop, you have to try out Hosted Email Security. You would be amazed to know that out of 100 emails sent everyday only ten are genuine and the other ninety are spams. The extent of doubtful content by the use of Email Spam has the capability of bringing down the name earned by your organization within no time. Not using Anti Spam Filter or Email Spam Blocker not only negatively impacts your organization when it comes to time, it also has the potential to create bad public relations, financial penalties, spoilt stock prices and lost revenue.

It should not come to you as a surprise that over two third of a companys operational records are piled up in email systems and thus can be very easy to go down into unsanctioned hands. Not only outbound threats, Email Spam also tend to have internal threats which is why it has become a prerequisite to bring into play Mail Security Programs such as Email Spam Blocker. Without these Mail Security Programs organizations can have a daunting time having a hold on the intellectual property and the resources and time that can go into compliance catastrophes.

Spammers and cyber criminals pose the greatest menace for corporate email systems. They essentially bypass and breach security measures to misuse email. Spammers have also got intelligent over the years and are now disguising their links in various formats such as picture, song or banners. While they might appear purely legitimate, they will direct you to some other sites selling something else.

You should also be aware of phishing mails which appear to be from rightful authorities such as banks but are actually fake web sites which replicate the original sites to take the financial details from you. There are also other arenas such as malware and additional blended threats such as Directory harvesting, inappropriate content and PUAs, etc. Thus it is utterly imperative to install a trusted Anti Spam Filter.


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Green Living Is better For Your Wellness By using Green Medicine ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Whether you happen to be into green living or perhaps not, you would be wise to work with green medicine for your health. Green medicine is actually revitalizing the natural abilities of your body to restore itself. Applying diet, detoxification, along with nutrients, rather than drugs to reverse serious illness. Living cleaner, and also greener, by means of staying away from toxic chemicals, as was originally intended. Regular medicine continues to work with their slash and burn technique for treating disease, insisting on using their toxic medications.

Pharmaceutical-based medicine has its place, but it also has its limitations. The main problem seems to be that neither side is willing to admit that the other has a place. There have been many testimonies that green medicine works, even for the toughest of diseases. One problem converting people to using green medicine is that people have to change their lifestyle. Too many people would rather continue their bad habits and simply take a pill to be well.

Green living includes three fundamental levels, personal, local, in addition to global. Beneficial, wholesome, naturally healthy food ought to be practiced in the home. The green of our area preserves the environment in our households and offices clean. International green is where everyone is attempting to protect the earth along with the soils, forests, and air. Our private health will need an organic supplement program. Everyone needs the variety of trace elements, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes for combating disease, and remain healthy.

Seeing that people acquire toxic substances in the food, air, and water, a detoxification program is a necessity for good health. Also to stay healthy a good diet program of organically grown food is essential. Organic food, both animal or plant, has a lot more nutrients along with fewer poisonous chemicals. Going green is actually less of a challenge today, because people are becoming more educated in what food does to the body. That is actually why there is more demand for organic food, and thus a lot more locations sell organic foods. The cleaner the meals that folks have, the better the health they will have. Nearby organic food is most effective because some of the nutrition is usually lost in the travel from place to place.

An experiment to try is to eat organically for a number of days and then switch back and see which makes you feel better. Green water is as important as green food. Clean water is necessary for good health. Chlorine has been shown to be bad for our health, and fluoride safety is debatable. Recent evidence has found that our water supply has been contaminated with all kinds of drugs. If you are drinking non-purified water you are getting a small amount of drugs, even if you never take any drugs. No water filter system is perfect, but any of them is better than nothing. Using green cleaning products keeps the home non-toxic. It takes some effort, but if you are serious about your health you should keep your house free of chemicals as much as possible. With the growing interest in all things green, when more and more people turn to greener medicine, there will be less toxic medicine with less toxic drugs. That will end up being good for all of us.

Today, going green is not too difficult as more and more companies are entering this industry as people are becoming aware of the benefits of organic foods and medicine. For more information, please visit my website by clicking HERE.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Inexpensive Travel Insurance cover Meant for Backpackers: a ...

Check-list on locating low-cost Backpacker Travel Insurance

Backpackers are generally people who like to travel on their very own and who get pleasure from exploring new places on a restricted spending budget.? They?re curious and delight in discovering Mother Earth?s treasures and wide variety when visiting locations that are off the beaten track.? Cheap Travel Insurance is often a valuable asset to those wanting to travel the globe on a limited spending budget.

The demographics of travelers who require Backpacker Travel Insurance

Backpacker Travel Insurance supplies cover for people who take pleasure in exploring undiscovered locations at a cost which is affordable but simultaneously deliver comprehensive travel cover.? Backpacking or hiking differs from regular procedures of travel mainly because the travelers prefer to visit exotic and out-of-the-way locations.? They would hike and camp and seek out low-budget options including sharing taxis, staying in youth hostels and shopping for food at markets as opposed to consuming at highly-priced restaurants.

For these ?nomads?, affordable travel insurance is an important requirement which will make all of the distinction if one thing really should occur or if they would fall ill and would ought to spend their resources on medical expenditures.? Low-priced travel insurance for backpackers gives cover against accidents as well as other incidents, such as paying for medical treatment incurred even though travelling.? Low cost travel insurance for backpackers also delivers cover for trip cancellations, terminated and delayed flights and emergency medical services.

It may perhaps not be quick to obtain a low-cost travel insurance policy; on account of the risks involved in this type of travel, insurance organizations frequently charge greater rather than lower rates for these policies.? Even so, the search for backpackers travel insurance policies could be created easier if 1 uses the globe wide net, that is one of the most comprehensive technique of analysis.? In conducting a search of this nature you might find that most insurance companies have their own internet space where they supply detailed info about the policies on offer and update the URL from time to time.? This makes it probable to acquire various reasonably priced backpacker travel insurance quotes on the internet.? Soon after thinking of the pros and cons of the different policies and quotes it really should be potential to identify one that presents low-priced backpacker travel insurance at a price that suits your budget and provides the essential cover for the trip that you intend to undertake.

Safety:? A Backpacker Travel Insurance priority

Travelling around the world is all about extending one?s enjoyment of life and having adventures and backpacker travel insurance allows you to get probably the most out of the expertise though participating in extreme sports like rock climbing, deep sea diving, sailing and so forth.? It is really vital to pick your travel insurance with care.? The cheapest policy accessible is not necessarily the ideal given that it may well not offer you comprehensive cover and what could have been a minor setback might create into a key crisis.

Curiously, some travelers are pretty careless in regards to obtaining cover for their trip.? They compromise their safety by cutting down on insurance costs and later end up paying massive amounts of money from their very own pockets when emergencies occur.? Still, going for the more affordable backpacker insurance option is preferable to having no cover whatsoever.? But pick out an insurance program that will provide you with peace of mind to ensure that your trip could be free of charge of be concerned and stress.

Thanks to the age of technology, several organizations present travel insurance to backpackers.? It can be achievable to acquire quotes on the net and to compare them so that you can locate probably the most cost successful one.? Study the policy content carefully just before signing any insurance contract.? And if possible, buy your travel insurance from a well-known and trusted insurance company.

Cost-effective Backpacker Travel Insurance

Backpackers ordinarily travel on a restricted spending budget.? Nevertheless ? just as any average traveler ? they are at threat of injury or accidents abroad.? From time to time they are at even greater threat for the reason that they travel between countries.

Whether or not it?s diving with sharks or climbing up a mountain, a traveler ought to have backpacker travel insurance.? Backpackers normally discover off the beaten track and visit obscure areas.? They?re far more prone to disease than other travelers since they often travel within the dark and stay more than in hostels and dormitories.

An excellent habit when traveling is ensuring that you are in safe hands by taking out backpacker travel insurance even before you depart on your journey.? Backpacker travel insurance is particularly designed to fulfill the wants of travelers.? The plans provide high levels of cover for lengthy periods of travel ? a traveler can get backpacker travel insurance from a couple of weeks to many years!? By the way, the term backpackers travel insurance will not necessarily imply that the travelers is going to be living on the streets!

Backpacker Travel Insurance can be a cost-effective travel strategy option for single trip insurance.? Particular plans even cover extras like participating in sport and activities such as bungee jumping.? Travelers might have to have this further cover due to the fact anything can occur to an individual when they?re on the road.? There are actually particular policy elements that the traveler ought to look out for and that should really be included in a travel insurance package for backpackers.

Firstly, it have to offer you emergency overseas travel medical insurance coverage, covering the expense of any event that calls for emergency medical care.? It have to also offer you rescue and repatriation cover, with helicopter rescue getting included in the rescue component.? In this way the traveler can rest assured that they?ll be reimbursed for any losses, should something unfortunate occur.? Also included in every backpacker travel insurance policy must be cover for baggage and other property so that the insurance corporation will cover the expenses incurred if any of the traveler?s belongings ought to be damaged or get pinched.


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Treasure Coast Arts and Entertainment Calendar, Updated Feb. 18 ...


Cosmic Show, Winter Skies: IRSC Planetarium, 3209 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce, Friday?s 7 pm and 8 pm and Saturday 1 pm and 2 pm. Feb. 10-11, and Mar. 9-10. $3. 800-220-9915.

Palm Beach Jewelry, Art Antique Show: PBC Convention Center, 650 Okeechobee Blvd, West Palm Beach, 11 am-7 pm Feb. 18-20, 11 am-6 pm Feb. 21. $15-$25. 561-822-5440; palmbeachshow.

Miss Palm Beach County: Scholarship Pageant. Eissey Campus Theatre, Palm Beach State College, Palm Beach Gardens, 7:30 pm, Feb. 18. $10. 561-254-6727;

Chinese New Year Gala, Reception: U.S. China People?s Friendship Association. Eissey Campus Theatre, Palm Beach State College, Palm Beach Gardens, 4 pm, Feb. 19. $10-$40. 561-207-5810.

Stuart Art Festival: Osceola St., downtown Stuart, 10 am-5 pm, Feb. 25-26.

Flametree Expansion Celebration: Meet new artists, see the new space, share a drink. Flametree Clay Art Gallery, 2041 14th Ave., Vero Beach, 5-8 pm, Mar. 2. 772-202-2810;

Theater And Dance

The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley Jr.: Riverside Children?s Theatre, 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 1:30 pm, Feb. 8, 11, 12, 7:30 pm, Feb. 24. 772 231-6990;

?Annie? Musical: StarStruck Performing Arts Center, 2101 South Kanner Hwy., Stuart, 2 pm Feb. 11, 12, 18, 19; 8 pm Feb. 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18. $24.99-$39.99. Ticket: 772-283-7787;

?Anything Goes?: McAlpin Fine Arts Center, IRSC Main Campus, 3209 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce, 8 pm Feb. 9-11, 16-18; 2 pm Feb. 11, 18. $12. Ticket: 1-800-220-9915.

Cabaret: Encore Valentines Day show; dinner. The Borland Center, 4901 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, 6 pm, Feb. 14. 561-904-3100;

?Red?: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Feb. 14-26. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Auditions: Dance intensive program for Riverside Theatre. Agnes Wahlstrom Youth Playhouse, 3280 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, Registration 3-4 pm; auditions 4-6 pm, Feb. 18. Ages 10+. 772-234-8052;

Auditions: Cast sought for ?Bell, Book Candle.? Vero Beach Theatre Guild, 2020 San Juan Ave., 7 pm, Feb. 19, 20 and 27. 772-562-8300;

La Traviata By Giuseppe Verdi: Eissey Campus Theatre, Palm Beach State College, Palm Beach Gardens, 8 pm, Feb. 20. $35-$55. 561-278-7677;

Las Vegas Tribute to Motown: Sunrise Theatre, 117 South 2nd St.,Fort Pierce. 7 pm, Feb. 22. 772-461-4775;

?The Music Man?: Riverside Theatre, 3520 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 8 pm, Feb. 23-25. Mar. 2-3, 9-10, 16-17. $36-$70. 772-231-6990.

?A Tribute to Andrea Bocelli Friends?: Eissey Campus Theatre, Palm Beach State College, Palm Beach Gardens, 8 pm, Feb. 25. $35-$45. 561-207-5900;

The Music Man: Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 7:30 pm, Feb. 29, March, 1, 7-8, 14-15; 2 pm, Feb. 25-26, 29, March 1, 3-4, 7-8, 10-11, 14-15, 17-18. $36-$70. 772-231-6990.

Auditions: Hairspray to be performed June 20- June 24, St. Lucie County school students welcome. Port St. Lucie High school auditorium, 1201 SE Lennard Rd., 6 pm, March 1. 772-337-6768.

Rapunzel and Me: Riverside Children?s Theatre, 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 1:30 pm, March 1, 14-15; 7:30 pm, March 23. $5-$16. 772-231-6990.

?Yesterday?: Tribute to The Beatles. Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., 7:30 pm, Mar. 4. $40. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

?Ballroom?: Musical. Barn Theatre, 2400 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart, 8 pm, Mar. 9,10,14,15,16,17,21,22,23,24; 2 pm, Mar. 11,18,25. $25. Ticket: 772-287-4884;

La Boheme: Teatro Lirico D?Europa?s Production. Sunrise Theatre, 117 S. 2nd St., Fort Pierce, 8 pm, Mar. 9. Teens=. $45-55. Ticket: 772-461-4775;

Cirque de la Symphonie: Brevard Symphony Orchestra. King Center, Melbourne, 2 and 8 pm, March 10. $35-$55. 321-242-2219;

?Hello, Dolly!?: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Mar. 13-Apr. 1. Ticket: 561-575-2223; Folk and Dance Company of Colombia: Sunrise Theatre, 117 South 2nd St., Fort Pierce. 7 pm, Mar. 14. 772-461-4775;

?Lord of the Dance?: Traditional modern Celtic music, dance. Sunrise Theatre, 117 S. 2nd St., Fort Pierce, 7 pm, Mar. 15. $49-$55. Ticket: 772-461-4775;

The Gin Game: Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 2 pm, March 17-18, 21, 24-25; 8 pm, March 15-17, 20-24. $40. 772-231-6990.

Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt: Sunrise Theatre, 117 S 2nd St., Fort Pierce. 8 pm, Mar. 21. $59-$49. 772-461-4775;

Kevin Costner and Modern West: Sunrise Theatre, 117 S 2nd St., Fort Pierce. 8 pm, Mar. 31. $49-$39. 772-461-4775;

Fab Four: Beatles tribute. King Center, Melbourne, 7 pm, Apr. 1. $26+. 321-242-2219;

Burn The Floor: 20 champion dancers in a true theatrical experience. Sunrise Theatre, 117 S. Second St., Fort Pierce, 7 pm, Apr. 18. $55/49. Ticket: 772-461-4775;

Ballet Folklorico: Dancers, musicians from Mexico. Eissey Campus Theatre, 11051 Campus Dr., Palm Beach Gardens, 8 pm, Apr. 11. $25-$30. Ticket: 561-207-5900;

Ballet Folklorico ? ?Quetzalli de Veracruz?: Henegar Center, Melbourne, 8 pm, Apr. 13. $28-$33.

?Pippin?: Conservatory of Performing Arts. Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., 7:30 pm, May 18-19; 2 pm May 20. $15-$20. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

The Color Purple: Based on Alice Walker?s novel Steven Spielberg?s film. Sunrise Theatre, 117 S. Second St., Fort Pierce, 7 pm, Mar. 25. $50-60. Ticket: 772-461-4775;

Bill O?Reilly: King Center, 3865 N. Wickham Rd., Melbourne, 8 pm, Apr. 7. $45. 321-242-2219;

The Gipsy Kings: Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, Kravis Center, West Palm Beach, 8 pm, May 9. $25+.

Amadeus: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Oct. 30-Nov. 11. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Stan Kenton Tribute Orchestra: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Nov. 16. Ticket: 561-575-2223; The Music Man: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Nov. 27-Dec. 16. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Palm Beach Gardens Concert Band: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Dec. 18. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Capitol Steps ? New Year?s Eve: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Dec. 31. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Singin? in the Rain: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Jan. 8-27, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Defending the Caveman: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Jan. 14, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Late Night Catechism: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Jan. 20, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Doubt: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Feb. 5-17, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Chris MacDonald?s Memories of Elvis: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Jan. 21, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Jay and The Americans: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Jan. 28, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

The Platters: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Feb. 18, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Thoroughly Modern Millie: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Mar. 5-24, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

The Second City: Laughing Matters: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Mar. 10, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Roger McGuinn: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Mar. 11, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

John Pizzarelli Quartet: Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Mar. 27, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;


?The Doggie and the Dino:? Duck in the Truck Puppets. Interactive puppet show. Cummings Library, 2551 SW Matheson Ave., Palm City, 11 am, Feb. 25. 3-7. 772-221-1403;

?Henry And Mudge?: Kids Korner Series. Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., 6 pm, May 4. $12. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

Through the Looking Glass: Theatre?s Youth Artists? Chair program. Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Oct. 12. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

The Laramie Project: Theatre?s Youth Artists? Chair program. Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Sept. 8. Ticket: 561-575-2223;

The Ten Event: Theatre?s Youth Artists? Chair program. Maltz Jupiter Theatre, 1001 E. Indiantown Rd., Feb. 23, 2013. Ticket: 561-575-2223;


Oliver!: VBHS production. Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Center, 1707 16th St., Vero Beach, 7:30 pm, Feb. 17, 18, 2 pm Feb. 19. $10-$12. Tickets 772-564-5537

Into the Woods: Saint Edward?s School Theatre Department. Waxlax Center for the Performing Arts, 1895 Saint Edward?s Drive, 7 pm, Feb. 24; 2 pm and 7 pm, Feb. 25. $5-$10.

Centerstage: Acts by Mo?s Danceworks, JB4, Jensen Beach High School Choir, South Fork High School Choir, the Stuart School of Music; and Eileen Hatt Craig Galvin, etc. The Lyric?s Flagler Center, 201 SW Flagler Ave., Stuart, 6 pm, Mar. 31. $60. Ticket: 772-233-2393;

Summer Musical Theatre Project: Focus on auditioning, acting stage experience, casting, dance, narration, orchestra behind the scene support roles. King Center for the Performing Arts, 3865 North Wickham Rd., Melbourne, Mon-Fri., 1-5 pm, June 18 ? July 15. Project culminates w/ three performances of OKLAHOMA. 321.433.5718.

Literary Events

Florida Humanities Series: Alex Stepick, Ph.D., ?Immigration?s Impact on Florida and the United States.? Emerson Center, 1590 27th Ave., Vero Beach, 7 pm, Feb. 16. 772-778-5249;

Mar. 22: Seth Bramson, ?The Florida East Coast Railway.?

Apr. 19: Carrie Sue Ayvar, ?Florida Stories with Latino Sabor (Flavor).?

Author Luncheon: Diane Thompson Cortese, Deborah Sharp, Paula Stahel. Grand Harbor Clubhouse, 4985 Club Terrace, Vero Beach, noon, Feb. 18. $45. Benefits Women?s Scholarships. Ticket: 772-794-9632.

Poetry Reading: Hosted by poet/IRSC instructor William Kemmett. Fort Pierce Library, 101 Melody Ln., Fort Pierce, 11 am-noon, Feb. 25. 772-462-2787;

Booked For Lunch: Steve Berry James Rollins, author discussion, book signing, luncheon, raffle. Willoughby Golf Club, 3001 SE Doubleton Dr., Stuart, 11:30 am-2 pm, Feb. 27. $75/person. 772-692-5282; Ticket:

Spirituality Speaker Series: God vs. Gay by Jay Michaelson. Temple Beth David, 4657 Hood Rd., Palm Beach Gardens, 7 pm, Feb. 27. 561-712-5236.

The Distinguished Lecturer Series: Niall Ferguson. Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside Dr., Vero Beach, 4 pm and 6 pm, Feb. 27. $65-$75. 772-231-6990.

Spirituality Speaker Series: ?Here I Am? by Leonard Felder. Temple Beth Am, 2250 S. Central Blvd., Jupiter, 7:30 pm, March 2. 561-712-5236.

Stephanie McAfee: Book signing; author of ?Diary Of A Mad Fat Girl.? Vero Beach Book Center, 2145 Indian River Blvd., 6 pm, Mar. 12.

The Distinguished Lecturer Series: Dr. Richard Haass. Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 4 and 6 pm, March 19. $65-$75. 772-231-6990.

The Distinguished Lecturer Series: Charlie Cook will be singing. Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 4, 6 pm, Apr. 9. $65.


?From Jupiter With Love?: Improv, sketch comedy and musical comedy with audience participation. The Atlantic Theater, 6743 W. Indiantown Rd. #34, Jupiter, 8 pm, Feb. 18. Teens+. $17. Ticket: 561-575-4942;

Ray Stevens: King Center, Melbourne, 8 pm, Feb. 23. $36.50.

?Spamalot?: National Touring Company of Monthy Python?s Tale of King Arthur?s quest for the Holy Grail. Sunrise Theatre, 117 S. 2nd St., Fort Pierce, 7 pm, Feb. 23. Teens+. $50-$60. Ticket: 772-461-4775;

Lewis Black: Comedian. Kings Center For The Performing Arts, 3865 N Wickham Rd., Melbourne, 8 pm, Mar. 2. $35. 321-242-2219;

Bobby Collins: Atlantic Theater, 6743 W. Indiantown Rd #34, Jupiter, 7:30 9:30 pm, Mar. 2. Ages 13+. $27. Ticket: 561-575-4942;

The Comedy Zone: Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 7:30, 9:300 pm, March 2-3; March 30-31. $15. 772-231-6990.

Doug MacCraw: Atlantic Theater, 6743 W. Indiantown Rd #34, Jupiter, 8 pm, Mar. 10. Ages 13+. $20. Ticket: 561-575-4942;

Bill Maher: Political humor. King Center, 3865 North Wickham Road, Melbourne, 8 pm, Apr. 28. $35+. 321-242-2219;

The Aristocrats Kids: Riverside Children?s Theatre, 3520 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 7 pm, May 4, 1:30 pm, May 5, 12. $8. (772) 231-6990;

Bill Cosby: Sunrise Theatre, Fort Pierce, 6 9 pm, Mar. 10. $59-$69.

Bob Newhart: Sunrise Theatre, Fort Pierce, 7 pm, Mar. 20. $55- $65.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum: Riverside Theatre, 3520 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 7:30 pm, May 2-3. 2 pm, May 2,3,5,6, 8 pm, May 4,5. $36-$70. (772) 231-6990;

The Comedy Zone: Riverside Theatre, 3520 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 7:30, 9:30, May 11-12. $15. (772) 231-6990;

Spring Dance Festival: Riverside Theatre, 3520 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 7 pm, May 17. $8. (772) 231-6990;

Spring Fiesta: Riverside Theatre, 3520 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 10am-3pm, May 19. (772) 231-6990;

(772) 231-6990;

Comedy Zone: Riverside Theatre, 3520 Riverside Park Dr., Vero Beach, 7:30-9:30 pm, May 25,26. $15. 772-231-6990;


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Technical Writing is a Specialized form of Communication

Published by Robertson | February 17, 2012 | | 49

Technical writing is a very vital part of communication. For using certain goods and services we may face some technical hurdles. Technical communication becomes essential in such cases. Technical assistance is provided by writers who are expert in this field. Technical writing or content cannot be a limited to articles explaining the technical process. These articles need to be supported with diagrams, self-explanatory charts, multimedia guides etc. Hence technical writing services will include writing, providing illustrations, designing, and editing the final piece of information. Technical writing involves making user manuals, administration charts, program and installation guides, and manuals for software applications. Good technical writing is well appreciated only when it presents complex information in clear and concise way.

Such writing is necessary for computer programming , electronic, scientific research and financial industries.

For technical writing, studying the audience to whom the article is targeted is very important. The writer has to have sound knowledge about the product, the customer or the reader and the reason behind developing the technical document for the reader. Another basic feature that has to be kept in mind is the cost involved. The technical writer needs to tailor the content to readers belonging to various background. The writer has to excel here by providing information in such a way that it is useful for all. For instance, a technical writer may be making a instruction guide for installing a software. He has to be cautious not to use any technical jargons and even if he does the meaning should follow in a sub bracket.

The writer needs to be careful about the choice of vocabulary and the style of writing. The articles should be also appropriate in length and include some case studies to make it meaningful. Demonstration is the ideal way to deal with such technical matters. An illustrative manual is always preferred to a page full of words.

Another specialized area of technical writing is financial writing. Financial documents are full of data and figures and all of them together convey some specific meaning. Interpreting them is the task of subject matter expert. These experts are stalwarts in commercial domain and could involve in writing simpler articles to convey the crux of the financial documents along with its implication. They could advise and guide other writers in preparing some lucid articles that makes greater sense to the wider audience. Business writing services are provided by professionals having good knowledge of the industry and the respective companies.

Jenny Stewart hired some people who specialised in technical writing to make manuals and guide books for their products and softwares. These handy manuals helped customers in using the products with greater ease. Reputation of the products have been enhanced.


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Strategic Planning for Small Business enterprise | Free Nintendo Wii ...

Company is all about preparing smart practices and correctly implementing them. Even smaller organization aren?t any exception, given that the supreme aim of the smaller organization is usually to expand right into a significant organization. However, many people wrongly feel that strategic preparing is just for significant gamers from the current market. But when you aspire to contend with them someday, and also have a small organization or household organization to operate, you have to aim on strategic preparing for the household organization.

What?s Strategic Organizing?

Strategic preparing includes formulation of insurance policies and organization expansion practices more than a defined period of time. Some time period of time would typically rely upon the kind of your organization. Specific enterprises like the Web or mobile technology really need to deal with switching trends extremely frequently, hence formulating a five calendar year program for these kinds of enterprises is not a feasible selection. The conduite can put together a strategic program for just a solitary facet of your organization or it could possibly aim on the organization as a entire. The involved departments then, devise strategy plans which are in accordance while using overall organization program.

Creating a strategy program is not comparable to creating an enterprise program. Company program discounts while using difficulties very likely to become encountered although commencing an enterprise, although strategy preparing addresses the smaller organization possibilities for expanding the organization as well as the strategies of harnessing individuals possibilities. With out a strategy program, an enterprise has no path. The possibilities of succeeding inside a organization which has no strategy program, diminish substantially. Hence, strategic preparing for smaller organization is incredibly significant.

Primary Design for Strategic Organizing

There?s no definite design for smaller organization expansion practices. Every organization formulates its personal design which has a prospective to do the job for that particular organization. Despite which design you decide on, the essential factors of strategy program remain the identical. These factors incorporate:

Company Objective

Company objective explains the full notion of why the organization exists. It is usually occasionally known as the ?mission of your organization.? It require not be problematic and really should only aim on the supreme aim of your organization.

Organizational Goals

Organizational aims will be the supreme objectives at which every one of the organizational efforts are targeted. These are generally the objectives which make it easier to to realize the mission of your organization. Set objectives which are almost achievable inside of the defined period of time.

System Organizing for every Objective

Approaches will be the approaches you will be very likely to adopt, to achieve every single goal. It is probable that a specific strategy may not do the job for just a particular goal in a particular position of time, hence make provisions for checkpoints, that will permit you to ascertain should the strategy is doing work or not. Devise different back-up program for every strategy, in the event it backfires.

Motion Blueprints

These are generally actual routines which are to become applied as per the strategy program. An action program is often a list of every one of the routines that finally aim on accomplishing the objectives. If many departments are involved and each office has its personal list of objectives, then it is actually significant that the action plans for every one of the departments do the job in sync with each other.

Monitoring Implementation of System Method

Most enterprises formulate an smart strategy program, but fall short to monitor its success. The full objective of strategic preparing gets defeated should you are not able to commit time to watch its implementation. Periodically watch the implementation of strategic plans and revise it, if required.

While strategic preparing is not the only essence of your organization, it definitely varieties an integral part of it and can just take you a protracted way within your organization when coupled with smart strategies. In Sunshine Tzu?s phrases ?Strategy without having strategies could be the slowest path to triumph. Ways without having strategy could be the noise in advance of defeat.?

Tags: Small Business Loans and Business Loans


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Friday, February 17, 2012

China's next space mission to carry 3 astronauts

(AP) ? China's next space mission will carry three astronauts who will dock with and live inside an experimental orbiting module launched last year, state media said Friday.

The Shenzhou 9 spacecraft will be launched aboard its Long March 2F rocket sometime between June and August, the official Xinhua News Agency said, citing an unidentified spokesman for the manned space program, known as Shenzhou, or "Sacred Vessel."

The astronauts will manually dock with the Tiangong 1 module that was launched last year and conduct scientific experiments while aboard, Xinhua said. It didn't say how long the mission was supposed to last.

China completed its first such space rendezvous last year when the unmanned Shenzhou 8 docked with the Tiangong 1 by remote control. That was considered something of a breakthrough since early U.S. astronauts did so manually.

China has scheduled two space docking missions for this year and plans to complete a manned space station around 2020 to replace Tiangong 1. At about 60 tons, the Chinese station will be considerably smaller than the 16-nation International Space Station.

China's space program has made steady progress since a 2003 launch that made it only the third nation to put a man in space. Two more manned missions have followed ? one including a space walk ? and China separately seeks to launch a lunar rover next year.

The country launched its independent space station program after being turned away from the International Space Station, largely on objections from the United States. The U.S. is wary of the Chinese program's military links and the sharing of technology with its chief economic and political rival.

Associated Press


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