Monday, February 20, 2012

Green Living Is better For Your Wellness By using Green Medicine ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Whether you happen to be into green living or perhaps not, you would be wise to work with green medicine for your health. Green medicine is actually revitalizing the natural abilities of your body to restore itself. Applying diet, detoxification, along with nutrients, rather than drugs to reverse serious illness. Living cleaner, and also greener, by means of staying away from toxic chemicals, as was originally intended. Regular medicine continues to work with their slash and burn technique for treating disease, insisting on using their toxic medications.

Pharmaceutical-based medicine has its place, but it also has its limitations. The main problem seems to be that neither side is willing to admit that the other has a place. There have been many testimonies that green medicine works, even for the toughest of diseases. One problem converting people to using green medicine is that people have to change their lifestyle. Too many people would rather continue their bad habits and simply take a pill to be well.

Green living includes three fundamental levels, personal, local, in addition to global. Beneficial, wholesome, naturally healthy food ought to be practiced in the home. The green of our area preserves the environment in our households and offices clean. International green is where everyone is attempting to protect the earth along with the soils, forests, and air. Our private health will need an organic supplement program. Everyone needs the variety of trace elements, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes for combating disease, and remain healthy.

Seeing that people acquire toxic substances in the food, air, and water, a detoxification program is a necessity for good health. Also to stay healthy a good diet program of organically grown food is essential. Organic food, both animal or plant, has a lot more nutrients along with fewer poisonous chemicals. Going green is actually less of a challenge today, because people are becoming more educated in what food does to the body. That is actually why there is more demand for organic food, and thus a lot more locations sell organic foods. The cleaner the meals that folks have, the better the health they will have. Nearby organic food is most effective because some of the nutrition is usually lost in the travel from place to place.

An experiment to try is to eat organically for a number of days and then switch back and see which makes you feel better. Green water is as important as green food. Clean water is necessary for good health. Chlorine has been shown to be bad for our health, and fluoride safety is debatable. Recent evidence has found that our water supply has been contaminated with all kinds of drugs. If you are drinking non-purified water you are getting a small amount of drugs, even if you never take any drugs. No water filter system is perfect, but any of them is better than nothing. Using green cleaning products keeps the home non-toxic. It takes some effort, but if you are serious about your health you should keep your house free of chemicals as much as possible. With the growing interest in all things green, when more and more people turn to greener medicine, there will be less toxic medicine with less toxic drugs. That will end up being good for all of us.

Today, going green is not too difficult as more and more companies are entering this industry as people are becoming aware of the benefits of organic foods and medicine. For more information, please visit my website by clicking HERE.

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