Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Great Big Home & Garden Expo ? Cleveland area mom blog ...

Well Folks, the Great Big Home & Garden Expo officially opened this weekend.

And you better believe we were lined up at the door with our noses pressed against the glass waiting to get in.? Yup.? We?re home renovation geeks.? We always want to know what our next renovation is.? And there always seems to be one either in the planning stages or construction stages in our house ? at all times.


Right when we finished our new kitchen floors


After (although not the best picture quality)

We started our new basement kitchen, storage system and playroom.

Before (after the flood):


After that, we tackled the laundry room.



And our master bathroom:



We?re renovation geeks alright.? And it doesn?t stop there.? We also like to decorate, redecorate, landscape, you name it.

Carter?s big boy room was finished in December.

Before (when it was still his treehouse room? sniff sniff sigh):

After (his race car room):

Oh yea, that?s a matchbox car road on his wall. ?I hand painted it?and added the yellow dotted line with paint (via a tooth pick).

Yet, there?s no end in sight (I say grinning).

Our ?Great Big Home & Garden Expo to-do? list included:

  • Ideas and cabinet company references for the family room renovation
  • Company names for exterior lights (we want to spruce our current ones up)
  • A company to improve our security system (I?ve seen too many episodes of Criminal Minds)
  • A roofer (to check on a worrisome?spot)
  • New window treatment in the family room (maybe plantation shutters)
  • A new entertainment system in the family room (our current tv is on it?s last leg, so why not improve the sound system that?s already in place throughout the house?)

ALL OF WHICH WE FOUND! ?Imagine our excitement! ?Oh yea, let the renovations begin.

Another great thing about expos like this is all of the expo extras.? We watched demonstrations for cooking, utensils, mops (I even bought a steam mop).

We saw therapy dogs (the kids loved them), you name it.? And we visitied booths that we never would have expected to find.? I even bought Avery a little hand-woven sweater.

I think you can say ? my family loves Home & Garden shows.? Now?s the challenging part, which project first?

What is your next home project? ?Or are you thinking garden/landscaping first? ?I?d like to know.


Disclaimer: the fabulous folks from the Great Big Home and Garden Expo gave me two tickets for admission to the show in exchange for a blog write-up.? I was not compensated in any other way ? and as always, all opinions are 100% my own.


Source: http://www.mygotfam.com/?p=1615

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