Friday, June 29, 2012


E.P.I.C. Reborn: The Milele Jua

You have just been given an acceptance letter to a school you have never heard of nor applied to, but none the less you decide to go. It tells you that you were handpicked to attend this school because of your "special" skills.(3 roles left)


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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Ok. Seeing as even Aki is asking me this question, this is where I'll be posting regularly whats going on in the rp. So that if anyone ever asks me this again, and can merely refer them to this thread. Please note that this will also put in info for newcomer, so it will contain shit you already know about. -.-

Update #Uno!~
The E.P.I.C. students have began conversing, a couple with their future teacher, Lieliana. Meanwhile the 3 remaining Apocalypse factions have been meeting up on a hill, to prepare for their assault. The survivors of the War faction have picked up a signal using a satellite that they took over to tell them when multiple Apocalypse members meet in one place. Now they are in preperation to ruin Apocalypse's attempt to obtain the Milele Jua. The Famine faction has sent in one of their members to obtain the Milele Jua, or in the very least hack their security system.
Now the E.P.I.C. students have begun to notice something wrong, as soon as Apocalypse begins their assault. The War faction is still in preparation but they're pretty close to start heading for the school. The western side of the external security unit for the school has already been taken out, and a few of the Apocalypse members have already made it into the school. The school principal has gone to check things out. Thats pretty much it for now.

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Gintoki Sakata
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