Tuesday, July 31, 2012

High-carb diet tied to breast cancer risk for some | Cancer Kick

30 July, 2012

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Fruits, Veggies Cut Breast Cancer Risk

NEW YORK July: Older women who eat a lot of starchy and sweet carbohydrates may be at increased risk of a less common but deadlier form of breast cancer, a new study suggests.

The findings, from a study of nearly 335,000 European women, do not prove that your French fries, sweets and white bread contribute to breast cancer.

But they do hint at a potential factor in a little understood form of breast cancer, according to a researcher not involved in the work.

Specifically, the study found a connection between high ?glycemic load? and breast cancers that lack receptors for the female sex hormone estrogen.

A high glycemic load essentially means a diet heavy in foods that cause a rapid spike in blood sugar. The usual culprits include processed foods made from white flour, potatoes and sweets. A sweet, juicy piece of fruit can also raise blood sugar quickly. But since fruits are low in calories, they don?t contribute as much to your diet?s glycemic load.

So-called estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors account for about one-quarter of breast cancers. They typically have a poorer prognosis than ER-positive cancers because they tend to grow faster and are not sensitive to hormone-based therapies.

In this study, postmenopausal women whose diets were very high in glycemic load had a 36-percent higher risk of ER-negative breast cancer, compared with women whose diets had the lightest load.

In general, a diet with a high glycemic load is not a particularly healthy one, noted Christina Clarke, a research scientist at the Cancer Prevention Institute of California in Fremont, and a consulting assistant professor at Stanford University.

?These types of diets have been associated with many negative health outcomes,? said Clarke, who was not involved in the study.

So although the current findings do not prove cause-and-effect, they can give women another reason to make healthier diet choices, according to Clarke.

Lead researcher Isabelle Romieu, of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, did not respond to an email request for an interview.

From a scientific standpoint, Clarke said the results are interesting because so little is known about what causes ER-negative breast cancers. Most breast tumors ? the ER-positive ones ? have their growth fueled by estrogen.

?We really don?t know anything about what causes (ER-negative) tumors,? Clarke said. ?This study gives us a really important clue for future research.?

Diets with a high glycemic load are associated with a bigger secretion of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar. High insulin levels, in turn, have been linked to certain cancers, possibly because insulin helps tumors grow.

The current findings hint at a role for ?insulin pathways? in ER-negative breast cancer, according to Clarke. ?But there?s definitely more work that needs to be done,? she said. The findings, which appear in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, are based on a long-running European study on nutrition factors and cancer risk.

Of nearly 335,000 women in the study, 11,576 developed breast cancer over a dozen years. Overall, there was no link between breast cancer risk and glycemic load ? estimated from diet questionnaires the women completed at the study?s start.

But the picture changed when the researchers focused on postmenopausal women with ER-negative cancer. Among women in the top 20 percent for glycemic load, there were 158 cases of breast cancer, versus 111 cases in the bottom 20 percent.

When breast tumors also lacked receptors for the hormone progesterone, the gap was a bit more pronounced. Still, the numbers ?weren?t huge,? Clarke noted. And there are many other factors that could be different between those groups of women, although the study did account for some of them, including weight, exercise habits, calorie intake and smoking.

Clarke pointed out that there is no single factor in any woman?s risk of breast cancer. But, she said, the findings offer more incentive to eat a balanced diet that limits refined carbs in favor of healthier fare ? like lean protein, vegetables, ?good? fats and high-fiber grains.

?Really, you want to avoid these (high glycemic load) diets anyway,? Clarke said.


Article source: http://paktribune.com/news/High-carb-diet-tied-to-breast-cancer-risk-for-some-251921.html

Source: http://cancerkick.com/2012/07/30/high-carb-diet-tied-to-breast-cancer-risk-for-some-4/

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Set to hit the market in early 2013, Snow Peak's Lapel Torch flashlight separates the LED bulb from the batteries with a cable tether that allows the light source to be clipped to your jacket or backpack straps. More »

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Monday, July 30, 2012

The tender poetry of... the Taliban?

Since the Soviet occupation, Islamist fighters have used poetry to express their passions, doubts, and determination. 'The Poetry of the Taliban' was released in the US this week.

By Scott Baldauf,?Staff writer / July 17, 2012

Taliban poetry. The very idea may make some people snort. How can a group of mountain fighters who spent weeks shelling the face off stone Buddha statues and ordered millions of Afghan women to cover their faces under burqas, have anything of value to say about beauty?

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You?d be surprised.

Following a release in Britain a few months ago, "The Poetry of the Taliban"?has been released this week in the United States, published by Columbia University Press.

I will let the literary set decide what is good poetry or bad poetry, although the estimable New-Delhi-based British historian William Dalrymple did have this to say:

?This extraordinary collection is remarkable as a literary project ? uncovering a seam of war poetry few will know ever existed, and presenting to us for the first time the black turbaned Wilfred Owens of Wardak. But it is also an important political project: humanizing and giving voice to the aspirations, aesthetics, emotions, and dreams of the fighters of a much-caricatured and still little-understood resistance movement that is about to defeat yet another foreign occupation.?

For those who have spent any length of time at all in Afghanistan, it will come as no surprise that Afghans are a poetic people.

As a young war correspondent in Jalalabad, one of my keenest memories was not a night of bullets flying and prayers spoken, but rather a night of poetry. We had just eaten a meal of rice and lamb, and my host and his cousins and friends were passing around a watering can to wash their hands.

And then it began: One gentleman among us recited a love poem of startling romantic sincerity. Then came another poem about the feebleness of human character. Then another about a fickle lover. Then another about the terrors of battle, and the loss of a loved one. Some of these poems were ancient, but most had been written by the men who were reciting them, all doctors and merchants and political science students. And there wasn?t a cheap and dirty limerick in the lot.

My hosts turned to me, and I had nothing to offer, except appreciation for the beauty of their words.

Today, the release of this Taliban poetry book is an odd echo of that evening session. Odd, because I had probably assumed that poetry only occurred among the semi-elite, and especially those of the enlightened democratic sort who would have been fighting against the Taliban. But poetry is a potent weapon that only gets stronger in the hands of someone faced with an impossible cause and a powerful enemy.

One doesn?t have to agree with the Taliban worldview to appreciate the haunting power of this poem, written in 2007 by Taliban poet Shahzeb Faqir:

?The village seems strange, this is separation

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/csmonitor/globalnews/~3/IYzU8rMZ6To/The-tender-poetry-of-the-Taliban

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Struggling Calif. cities looking to tax hikes - KansasCity.com

There's a new twist emerging as some of California's most financially troubled cities look for ways out of their predicaments: They're declaring fiscal emergencies so they can quickly get tax hike initiatives on local November ballots.

Leaders are turning most often to an increase in the local sales tax. But there also are proposals for hikes on utility taxes, parcel taxes and, in the Los Angeles-area city of El Monte, a proposal to tax sugary drinks.Last month's bankruptcy filing by Stockton, quickly followed by one in Mammoth Lakes and then San Bernardino's sudden declaration of a fiscal emergency and plan to file for bankruptcy drew attention to an increasingly common theme - some communities battered by the economy and unable to control costs now are heading toward insolvency.El Monte finance director Julio Morales said San Bernardino was a wakeup call. Local officials declared a fiscal emergency last week, clearing the way for a ballot question asking residents to approve a 1 cent-per-ounce tax on sugar-sweetened drinks. Local officials think the tax would bring in up to $7 million per year."We don't want to wait like San Bernardino and say, 'We can't make payroll,'" Morales said.La Mirada, Fairfield and Culver City are among other communities that declared fiscal emergencies this year and placed sales tax increases on their ballots. The Orange County community of Stanton declared a fiscal emergency, got a utility tax question on the June ballot and voters rejected it. Now the city may try again in November.It's unusual and perhaps unprecedented for so many cities to declare fiscal crises in such a short period."It is relatively new - and a sign of desperation," said David Brunori, professor of public policy at George Washington University who specializes in tax policy and has studied state and local finance in California.A "fiscal emergency" requires a unanimous vote by a community's governing body, usually a city council. Such a declaration allows cities to more quickly place a tax question before voters, rather than waiting up to two years for the next scheduled local election.That so many cities are choosing this route causes David Kline, spokesman for the California Taxpayers Association, to speculate some local leaders may be "crying wolf." He surmised some officials are declaring an "emergency" because it enhances the chances for passing a tax question and saves them from having to make deeper cuts."If the city has a track record of mismanaging money and not doing anything to control spending and that's why it's near bankruptcy, the voters will probably be disinclined to give them more money," he said. "But if the city can show they've been hit by economic changes, voters might be more forgiving."There is strong anti-tax sentiment in California these days, based at least partly on skepticism that elected officials will use the money wisely. That helps explain why a proposed increase in the state's cigarette tax -an idea usually popular with the public - was defeated in June.Local officials who favor tax hikes believe residents will recognize the need for more money rather than more budget cuts. But muddying the prospects for local tax hikes is Gov. Jerry Brown's tax initiative. It would raise the income tax for people making more than $250,000 per year, and would boost the state sales tax by a quarter-cent. Brown has warned of further state cuts if his plan loses.Conventional wisdom holds that voters are more likely to pass taxes at the local level. But a surfeit of revenue measures on the November ballot could overwhelm voters."My prediction is that people are going to reject tax hikes at all levels of government," Brunori said. "It's not that they don't like government - they do. But they really don't like bad government."Voters in Stanton rejected a tax hike last month, prompting cuts in police and fire staffing. A sign at the entrance to Hollenbeck Park - a long, narrow swath stretching beneath massive power lines and equipped with benches, winding paths and a colorful jungle gym - reads "Park closed due to budget cuts - no trespassing allowed."City Manager Carol Jacobs said the cuts to police and fire have nearly balanced the city's budget That's a big improvement from earlier in the year, when she warned the city could eventually face bankruptcy due to the drop in tax revenues.But Jacobs said Stanton will need more money in the coming years, and getting a tax question before voters is more responsible than delaying any action until the city's reserves are gone."It's like waiting to look for a job until you have no savings and your house gets foreclosed on," she said.Going back to voters for a tax increase carries risk, said Roy Ulrich, who teaches tax and communication policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at University of California, Berkeley."Local electeds are also subject to voter approval, and if they keep asking for tax increases that are turned down, their own jobs will be in peril," he said. "Voters can get angry and say, 'You didn't try to cut spending, you just came to us and asked for a tax increase.'"

Source: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/07/30/3732629/struggling-calif-cities-looking.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Romney pressed to release tax returns. Watchdogs ask what about Congress?

Democrats and some Republicans are hounding Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. But ask Congress members to release theirs and silence is the most frequent response. Double standard??

By Gail Russell Chaddock,?Staff Writer / July 27, 2012

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, left, and his wife Ann arrive for the Opening Ceremony at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Friday, July 27, 2012, in London. Congressional Democrats are hounding Romney to release more tax returns.

Jae C. Hong/AP


Mitt Romney is under fire from Democrats on Capitol Hill ? and "friendly fire" from some Republicans ? to release more of his income tax returns. Should members of Congress, or at least congressional leaders, be expected do the same?

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If you ask congressional members themselves, the answer you?ll get is a?resounding double-standard no ? or merely maybe.??

Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan, the top Democrat on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, is drafting legislation that will require all presidential candidates to release 10 years of tax returns and to disclose overseas accounts. The measure is prompted by Mr. Romney's "stunning lack of transparency," he said in a statement.

Will he propose extending that standard to members of Congress?

?I?m looking at that,? he said in a C-Span interview to be broadcast on Sunday.

Romney has released his 2010 return and promises to release the 2011 return, but he has rebuffed calls to release returns from further back. "None of the tax returns are required by law to be put out," he told Fox News. ?What is required by law ? the financial disclosure ? has already been made." President Obama has released tax returns from 2000-2011 and posted them on his campaign website.

It wouldn't be the first time that Congress held the president and members of the executive branch to a higher standard than it holds itself. When Congress passed ethics legislation in 1978 to correct abuses of the Watergate era, lawmakers exempted themselves from key provisions, including "revolving-door" restrictions on lobbying former colleagues.

Congress also exempted itself from the 1966 Freedom of Information Act ? an exemption that extends even to commissions created by Congress, such as the so-called 9/11 commission.?

For a time, senators routinely submitted their tax returns in a sealed envelope delivered to the ethics committee, to be opened only if needed to inform an investigation. But the shift of financial records online ended even that practice.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/iBQ8okRG0uA/Romney-pressed-to-release-tax-returns.-Watchdogs-ask-what-about-Congress

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Love and Equality: Gay Wedding Ideas and Resources

This article has been viewed 51 times.

Individuals who wish to pledge their endless love, despite having distinctions, hold the right to marry. However, planning a wedding ceremony needs a great deal of time and focus. Here are some gay wedding ideas and resources you should consider:

Make a spending budget

Figure out the amount you can spend for the wedding. Speak with your lover the potential expenses for the wedding ceremony like wedding venue, flowers, cuisine, entertainment, etc. Focus on the things you require for the ceremony and reception.

Pick a schedule

Discuss possible wedding schedules together with your spouse and other family members. Think about your work cycles so that you can choose a date for your wedding that is least demanding for your job. Think about the type and date of your honeymoon. Choosing a weekend might work best because most people may be free of their obligations at work or school. Arrange another date in case your first option does not work out.

Select a wedding ring

Select a reputable jeweler. Look online for jewelry stores around your neighborhood. You can also talk to couples for referrals. Consider the sum you can spend for gay man wedding rings. Check lists to get an idea of the retail price range. Do not forget to speak about your spending budget to the jewelry retailers so that they can show rings that fall within your budget. Shop with your spouse to find out what style you both want. Match your marriage bands with the engagement rings ? have these personalized so they can be more unique. If youre shopping for diamond rings, familiarize yourself with the four Cs: cut, clarity, color, and carat. Ensure the jeweler has the proper certificates for the gemstones.

Hire wedding coordinators

Wedding planners can help you with the overall planning process, so be sure to choose a dependable one. Consult newlyweds, family, and associates for recommendations. Search online for available coordinators. Check their background and expertise ? look at critiques and wedding photos of previous clients. Identify the level of support you need from the planners. For example, you can hire one who can organize together with suppliers, caterers, and venue managers. You can hire one who can help you with the wedding portfolio or keep track of specifics and timetables. Be sure the wedding coordinators fee matches your budget.

Choose a theme

Talk to your lover regarding possible wedding ceremony concepts. Be creative when coming up with the concept. Go for garden weddings if you prefer a solemn and private ceremony. Consider the time of your wedding, too. Select beach weddings if you are planning to get married during the summer. Choose wedding colors based on your preferred flower ? choose a main color for the central motif.

Find a location

Pick a wedding venue that will suit your budget. Garden wedding ceremonies can be a fantastic option if you are on a tight budget, as you can hold the ceremony in your garden. Think of your guest list ? determine the actual number of people who will be going to the wedding. Look at the availability of the wedding venue. Book the venue four months prior to the wedding date to avoid any problems. Be sure you have a backup wedding venue if you plan to hold a backyard marriage ceremony.

Additional tips

Get a music group or a DJ for amusement throughout the wedding reception. Find wedding catering services so you dont have to cook the food on your own. Search the internet for more gay wedding ideas and resources.

Source: http://www.article-i.com/relationships/love-and-equality-gay-wedding-ideas-and-resources/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

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Motives Fitness Is Indeed Important In Daily life | Contacts ...

Health and fitness is a lot more that working out over a treadmill machine or strength training. It is genuinely a progressive routine, filled with plans, servicing, and desired goals. They have a lot of workouts and pieces of equipment which require understanding, strength, and persistence. Have you got what is required? No matter what your solution, follow this advice to help you.

The most effective physical fitness tip for strength is usually to start your finishes at the slow pace, development to the typical speed, after which go all out at the conclusion of your manage. For this reason slow develop-up, you may eventually discover that you force your greatest distance further more with each workout.

If you are planning being working uphill, your pose significantly consequences how well you can accomplish it. It is recommended to try to keep your head up and also be hunting towards the top of the hillside any time you manage uphill. Employing this pose, it would help you to breathe. It gets more challenging to inhale and exhale whenever your are hunched frontward.

An excellent fitness tip would be to begin executing exercises to formulate your neck area muscle groups. In case you have ever seen soccer participants or wrestlers you most likely observed that their neck muscles are large. Neck area bridges are a great physical exercise which will help increase your neck area muscle groups.

You need to operate very hard to turn your exercise days into just component of your schedule. Consequently you won?t must discuss on your own into going to the gym on Thursdays, but that you automatically load up your health and fitness center rear on Wednesday evening without even thinking about heading the following day.

If you are each student, join a sports team of your liking. Sporting activities crews are great to instill discipline and will help you improve your fitness quickly and efficiently. The ceaseless exercises and jogging that you just can do in the course of exercise will enable you to arrive at your excess fat target ideal.

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Engadget Podcast 303 - 07.27.2012

With Tim Stevens staycationing at an undisclosed corporate location, Brian Heater and Dana Wollman do a Gadgets Gone Wild edition of the Engadget Podcast, which turns out to be mostly analysis of quarterly earnings calls and the new iteration of OS X. Financial and upgrade news, wilder than you thought it was, only on The Engadget Podcast.

Hosts: Brian Heater, Dana Wollman
Producer: Trent Wolbe
Music: Orbital - Never

01:47 - Apple OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 review
06:51 - Mountain Lion hits the Mac App Store, is one $20 credit card deduction away
25:50 - Apple announces Q3 2012 earnings: $35 billion revenue, $8.8 billion in net profits
26:50 - Amazon Q2 2012 earnings: net income down 96 percent to $7MM, net sales up 29 percent to $12.83 billion
30:30 - Amazon plans for 'five or six' new tablets, will include 10-inch model, says Staples president
38:37 - Google Fiber gets formal launch, adds Google Fiber TV (update: event video)

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Engadget Podcast 303 - 07.27.2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 09:45:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/27/engadget-podcast-303-07-27-2012/

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Google Earth's 3-D buildings come to iOS

8 hrs.

iPad and iPhone owners will be pleased to hear that Google has updated the iOS version of Google Maps to include their impressive 3-D maps of a number of cities. You can also now take a virtual aerial tour of locations via a film strip interface at the bottom of the map.

The Android and PC versions of Google Earth have had the 3-D cities for some time, in keeping with?Google's recent habit of rolling out features on those platforms several months before bringing them to iOS. The update is free and available now.

There are only 13 cities with 3-D imagery so far, but Google says in the announcement that they're adding more all the time:

The growing list of 3-D cities include?Boulder, Boston, Charlotte, Lawrence (Kan.), Long Beach (Ca.), Los Angeles, Portland (Ore.), San Diego, Santa Cruz, Tampa, Tucson, and the San Francisco Bay Area (including the Peninsula and East Bay) as well as Rome, Italy. We?ll keep building and releasing 3D imagery for new locations as fast as we can and by the end of the year we aim to have coverage for metropolitan areas with a combined population of 300 million people.

The feature isn't without its quirks. Sometimes the 3-D imagery doesn't mesh quite right with the other satellite imagery, as you can see with the Golden Gate bridge and its twin.

And the new iPad's high-resolution screen does emphasize the flaws in the models and photography, but overall it's the same exploratory fun that other platforms have had for a while now. Download Google Earth at the App Store here.

Apple has promised?a new maps app for iOS 6?this fall that also includes 3-D buildings and landscapes, but it's not clear yet which cities will be included and how the 3-D function will differ from Google's.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is coldewey.cc.

Source: http://www.gadgetbox.msnbc.msn.com/technology/gadgetbox/google-earths-3-d-buildings-come-ios-913231

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Modern closet doors for bedrooms ideas ... - Home Improvement Ideas

Closet doors for bedrooms lowes

Closet doors for bedrooms lowes

Well, your bedroom serves more than just a room to rest, isn?t it? That?s why?closet doors for bedrooms?are good addition for your bedroom. This is because these doors can keep the bedrooms aesthetically pleasing and organized, making it a comfortable room to rest and relax. A bathroom should have a closet and every homeowner knows about that. They use the closet to store clothes, shoes, cosmetics, accessories and even personal items safely and properly so that they can make the room free of mess and untidiness. However, why would we need doors, anyway? Well, for these items to be readily accessible, the closet must have a door that gives way to a large opening. So, the doors are not only protecting the clothes and other items effectively, but they also serve a better access for homeowners to get the items they need. Moreover, with the right selection of the design and styles, the?closet doors for bedrooms?can also become a decorative element that can enhance the overall beauty of the bedroom decoration and set up an inviting atmosphere within the bedroom.

Modern closet doors for bedrooms ideas

Modern closet doors for bedrooms ideas

Nowadays, homeowners can choose a lot of types of these doors, but the most common types are the bi-fold and bypass sliding doors. The bi-fold is the door that is fixed to a sliding track at the top and the panels fold inwards. Meanwhile, the bypass sliding doors can slide along multiple tracks. Nowadays, a lot of people also prefer choosing the mirrored doors because they can serve multiple tasks. Moreover, a mirrored closet door lets you see yourself in full view and in all angles. Well, this will be a huge advantage for you because now you can check out how you look and you do this quicker and easier with this mirrored closet door. So, regardless the type that you choose, the?closet doors for bedrooms?can always be a good addition to your bathroom and the examples mentioned above will only be a few examples of many that you can find on the daily reality.

Sliding closet doors for bedrooms lowes

Sliding closet doors for bedrooms lowes

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Sliding closet doors for bedrooms ikea

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Source: http://www.umbugjug.com/2012/07/why-closet-doors-for-bedrooms-are-good-addition/

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Wall Street rises on GDP, stimulus hopes

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street rose on Friday following a report on U.S. economic growth which met expectations and on hopes for further stimulus from the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank.

U.S. economic growth slowed, as expected, in the second quarter as consumers spent at their most sluggish pace in a year. The figure was better than investors' worse fears but still weak enough to potentially push the Fed closer to pumping more money into the economy.

"The Fed's concern and mandate is employment. Annualized GDP growth at 1.5 percent cannot begin to mend the unemployment picture," said Joseph Trevisani, chief market strategist at Worldwide markets in Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and other policymakers "will have all the rationale they need to open the liquidity spigot."

Stocks leapt nearly 2 percent on Thursday, erasing much of the losses for the week, as ECB chief Mario Draghi said he would do whatever it takes to save the euro. That followed a story in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, which was seen as heralding a new round of stimulus from the Fed.

Facebook Inc shares tumbled 14 percent, hitting an all time low of $23.02 after it reported a drastic slowdown in revenue growth on Thursday and failed to offer financial forecasts that quelled fears about its ability to boost advertising growth.

The Dow Jones industrial average <.dji> gained 182.40 points, or 1.44 percent, to 12,858.45. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index <.spx> added 16.36 points, or 1.22 percent, to 1,354.25. The Nasdaq Composite Index <.ixic> added 46.66 points, or 1.63 percent, to 2,900.90.

Merck & Co was the top boost to the Dow after it reported better-than-expected quarterly earnings despite the negative impact of the stronger dollar, with strong sales growth of its vaccines and treatments for diabetes and HIV. The shares rose 2.7 percent to $44.44.

Optimism over further stimulus measures has helped offset a mixed U.S. corporate earnings season, with many companies beating profit forecasts but often missing revenue projections and warning about sluggish global growth.

As of Thursday, about half of S&P 500 companies have reported earnings. Of those, about two thirds have beat profit forecasts. Three in five, however, have missed Wall Street's revenue projections, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Starbucks Corp cut its outlook for the current quarter, citing global economic weakness and a recent slowdown in visits in the United States, its biggest market for sales and profits, sending shares tumbling more than 10 percent to $46.85.

Gross domestic product expanded at a 1.5 percent annual rate between April and June, the weakest pace of growth since the third quarter of 2011, the Commerce Department said on Friday. (Reporting by Edward Krudy; Editing by Kenneth Barry)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/wall-street-rises-gdp-stimulus-hopes-135703102--sector.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cosmic ray haul for space 'LHC'

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Cosmic ray haul for space 'LHC'
The largest-ever experiment in space has reported the collection of some 18 billion "cosmic ray" events that may help unravel the Universe's mysteries.

Source: BBC News
Posted on: Wednesday, Jul 25, 2012, 8:12am
Views: 3

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/122010/Cosmic_ray_haul_for_space__LHC_

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Viewpoints: &#39;No Cash, No Insurance, No Live ... - Kaiser Health News

Des Moines Register: A Modest Proposal For U.S. Health Care
With all the talk about health care recently, I'm surprised that no one has challenged the crazy idea that hospitals should treat people who can't pay. This is a free market nation, dammit! The home of "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Dice" in store windows should have "No Cash, No Insurance, No Live" on our hospital doors (Mike Draper, 7/24).

Bloomberg: States Will Not Turn Down Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion
If state governments become politically unable to drop expanded Medicaid, it will only be because the state's residents consider the program a good use of taxpayer money. That hardly seems like a big risk. But if any people are really concerned, they should vote for Mitt Romney, who ran for governor in 2002 with the position that the federal government should take on a larger share of Medicaid costs in order to relieve state budgets. He is sure to stand in the way of any efforts, Republican or Democratic, to shift Medicaid costs to the states (Josh Barro, 7/24).

The Dallas Morning News: Legislators Must First Retire Medicaid Debt
Rectifying Medicaid's problem before taking care of other needs probably won't please superintendents, teachers and parents. Texas' public schools took a serious hit in last year's Legislature, to the tune of at least $4 billion. ... But the state's health budget comes first. Texas can't cut corners on its Medicaid payments (Carl P. Leubsdorf, 7/24).

The Wall Street Journal: How To Eradicate Polio Once And For All
Earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed India from the list of polio-endemic countries, a victory that involved 2.4 million volunteers administering vaccines to nearly 172 million children. Only three endemic countries remain?Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria?and the 24-year global effort to eradicate the disease is now within striking distance of its goal. But the entire campaign could come undone if obstacles to vaccination stall further progress (Jay Winsten and Emily Serazin, 7/24).

The Wall Street Journal: The Tax Cliff Endangers Seniors
Most people know that the U.S. government is rapidly approaching the edge of a fiscal cliff that will raise taxes for millions of Americans?at every income level and age. What is less known is that seniors, many of whom depend on investment income to fund their retirement, will be hurt the most (Lewis Hay III, 7/24).

This is part of Kaiser Health News' Daily Report - a summary of health policy coverage from more than 300 news organizations. The full summary of the day's news can be found here and you can sign up for e-mail subscriptions to the Daily Report here. In addition, our staff of reporters and correspondents file original stories each day, which you can find on our home page.

Source: http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/Daily-Reports/2012/July/25/wed-opinions.aspx

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Olympic security plan transforms London into fortress

Jim Seida / NBC News

Metropolitan Police officers guard one of the entrances to London's Olympic Park on Monday. (Jim Seida / NBC News)

By Alastair Jamieson and Michele Neubert, NBC News

LONDON -- The biggest peacetime security operation in Britain?s history is under way ? an $877-million civilian and military plan to protect athletes and visitors from?threats ranging from?suicide bombers to?organized criminals. But it has also turned some London streets into military zones and Olympic venues into fortresses.

A simple glance at the main Olympic Park in East London confirms this will be the most security-conscious Games in history: More than 11 miles of razor-wire-topped electric fencing separates the site from its surroundings, every entrance is guarded by soldiers and the surrounding streets and shopping malls are patrolled by police carrying 9mm semi-automatic weapons ? an unusual sight in Britain, where armed patrols are normally found only at airports.

On the busiest days, 12,500 police officers will be on duty while 12,200 soldiers will carry out the venue security searches assisted by at least 7,000 contracted civilian security workers. A further 5,500 troops will be involved in military operations outside the site.

As the opening ceremony of the Olympics approaches, London is covering its bases with an influx of security forces on the ground, in the air and in the water. But officials still worry about the possibility of a 'soft target,' such as an attack on a bus, that would have a huge emotional impact on the city. NBC's Stephanie Gosk reports.

?I think the British have prepared extremely well and in my judgment this is as secure an Olympics preparation as I have ever seen,? said NBC counter-terrorism expert?Michael Leiter.

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Every vehicle entering the site is scanned and searched, inside and out, by military teams in ?sterile? zones away from key buildings. The maximum-security athletes? village is ringed by even more metal fences. It?s enough to prompt some to compare the?Olympic Park to a prison.

But it?s the less obvious measures that have brought the greatest controversy to the Games. At least 1,850 closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras feed pictures back across London to the joint police and government control center (NOCC) at New Scotland Yard, the headquarters of the city?s Metropolitan Police, according to a data access request by civil liberties campaign group, Big Brother Watch. (Olympic organizers refused to say on Tuesday how many cameras are in use.)

NBC's Bob Costas speaks with TODAY's Matt Lauer about security measures being taken to secure the safety of fans and athletes at the Summer Games in London.

The extent of the surveillance might surprise visitors from the United States, but is a common feature of life in Britain - the world?s biggest user of such technology with 4.2 million CCTV cameras in use by public agencies alone.?

As well as being fed through facial-recognition and license-place recognition software, images will be available to hundreds of CIA, FBI and TSA officials flying into Britain for the Games, as well as to officers from Interpol.

Jim Seida / NBC News

At least 1,850 security cameras keep watch on the Olympic Park.

Striking a balance between public protection and personal freedoms is increasingly difficult for authorities.

??Of course the Olympics need to be secure but there is a danger of losing sight of all proportion,? Nick Pickles, director of Big Brother Watch, told NBCNews.com. "It would be a sad indictment of modern Britain if the lasting legacy of the Games is an unwarranted security and surveillance infrastructure.?

Ettore Ferrari / EPA

London puts in motion the largest peacetime security operation on British soil to ensure a seamless event.

However, Chris Allison, assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, on Tuesday insisted his force would be using ?a light touch? in policing the Games ? a promise borne out by armed officers posing for tourist pictures. (Officers have also been told not to run in response to emergency calls, to prevent panic among crowds.)

More?London 2012?coverage from NBCNews.com

The most contentious measure is the installation of six temporary high-velocity ground-to-air missile sites around East London, including two atop residential apartment blocks in Bow and Waltham Forest. Residents of the latter building lost a legal bid to have the weaponry moved.

Oda / Getty Images

From Wimbledon to Wembley Stadium to The Dome, a look at the venues for the 2012 London Olympic Games.

Unmanned drones ? smaller, unarmed versions of those used by the U.S. to target Islamist militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan - will float above the venues, monitored by U.K. military commanders.

Helicopter-mounted cameras capable of identifying the color of a suspect's shoelaces on the ground from almost a mile away will also be utilized. The devices feature powerful zoom?functions which?can even allow airborne officers to see the color of a suspect's eyes on the ground.

Helicopters used by the Air Support Unit of London's Metropolitan Police will be keeping a close watch on potential security threats during this summer's Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the Olympic Games.

For the first time since World War II, Britain?s Ministry of Defence has taken charge of London airspace, working alongside civilian air traffic controllers in Swanick, near Southampton, to ensure only aircraft with pre-approved flight plans are in the busy skies surrounding the capital?s key airports.

For the duration of the games, all airspace around the city is either restricted to pre-authorized private or commercial flight ? or prohibited altogether.

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Four Royal Air Force Typhoon fighter jets on standby are prepared to intercept aircraft flouting the restrictions and use "lethal force" if necessary. Paul Haskins, general manager of London Terminal Control at air traffic control agency, NATS, told NBC News: ?If an aircraft has not spoken to an air traffic controller for a long time and its coming a concern to ourselves and the military, various different methods will be used to communicate with that aircraft but if all those fail than an intercept will be provided by the military to ascertain exactly what is going on, on that flight.?

Following the admission by a security firm that it will not be able to provide enough manpower to secure the Olympic Games, military personnel are now gearing up to fill the open positions. NBC News terrorism analyst Roger Cressey weighs in on how this will impact security with less than two weeks to go before the Games.

Britain's biggest warship, HMS Ocean, is also stationed on the River Thames, while Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessel Mounts Bay will be stationed near Weymouth, Dorset, where Olympic sailing events are taking place. Six helicopters - three Royal Navy Sea Kings and three RAF Pumas ? complete the armory.

Despite the firepower, military officials want to downplay their presence. "We want the focus to be on [Jamaican sprinter] Usain Bolt?this summer and not us," Air Vice-Marshal Stuart Atha told reporters in May.

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Security has been a fundamental issue for the London Games, literally from day one: the morning after the U.K. capital was named host city in 2005, a co-ordinated attack on buses and underground trains killed dozens in an atrocity referred to in Britain as 7/7.

East London, which will host the Olympic Games, boasts a colorful history. NBC News' Jim Maceda reports.

Britain was America's closest ally in Afghanistan and Iraq, making it a prime target of Islamist terror groups. And dozens of recent terror plots, including the 2006 plot to blow up nearly a dozen trans-Atlantic airliners, have been hatched within Britain's sizeable Muslim population.?

'Tumultuous world'
Although other Olympics have taken place since 9/11 - Salt Lake City, Athens, Turin, Beijing and Vancouver - London offers a different?breed of security challenge.?

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Many events are taking place at venues as far away as Scotland, creating a further security risk ? that terrorists could avoid locked-down London and choose less high-profile targets instead.

"I'm confident that there is more than adequate security here for these games," Louis Susman, the U.S. ambassador to the U.K., told The Associated Press. "That said, we live in a tumultuous world, whether that be in New York or London."?

Britain?s terror level is currently labeled ?Substantial? - a notch below ?Severe?, which has been the level for much of the past decade. A ?Substantial? threat level indicates an attack is a strong possibility.?

A cadre of bomb-sniffing dogs gets set to sniff out threats at the 2012 London Olympics alongside the tens of thousands of two-legged security personnel preparing to make the city safe for the summer games. Msnbc.com's F. Brinley Bruton reports.

Despite the U.S.-U.K. collaboration, there will still be differences in how the London Olympics is policed. Most of the security personnel will be unarmed - a striking difference to operations in the United States.?

Adding to security issues, leaders from around the world will be in town. The American delegation will be led by first lady Michelle Obama while President Barack Obama focuses on his re-election campaign.?

London Olympics: 8,000-mile torch relay around UK

So far, the biggest wobble came earlier this month when private security contractor, G4S, admitted it would not be able to meet its target to supply the required number of civilian security workers ? mostly because of the time taken to complete vetting checks of employment history and possible criminal backgrounds.

An actor from gangster movie "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" is giving walking tours of old underworld haunts in East London, where this month's Olympic Games are being held. NBC's Theresa Cook reports.

That story, first reported by NBC News? Keir Simmons, prompted the government to summon 3,500 troops above the original 7,500 estimate. On Tuesday, the government announced a further 1,200 would be called in to guard against any possible security staff shortfall.? The extra troops, many of them called back from leave after serving in Afghanistan, are being housed in two temporary camps: One in a park near Hainault and another in Tobacco Dock, an empty commercial building in Wapping, near the Tower of London.

However, officials on both sides of the Atlantic remain confident. London's mayor, Boris Johnson, told Matt Lauer on TODAY on Wednesday:??The venues are as safe as we can make them. Politicians can never say the whole thing is 100 percent nailed down."

"The intelligence we?re getting is that the overall risk is being downgraded from severe to substantial, and the London Olympics will be as safe as any games has ever been,? he added.

"I've not heard any American who has said they were concerned about security here," said Susman, the ambassador. "London has made an effort to showcase London for the world and I think it's going to be terrific."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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A diverse community in East London will welcome the world to Britain for the 2012 Olympic Games. Meet residents and hear how they feel about having a huge, world stage in their backyard.


Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/25/12929477-fortress-london-uk-protects-olympics-with-biggest-security-plan-since-world-war-ii

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Bankruptcy Judge Rejects Fair Finance Trustee&#39;s Proposed - blog*spot

A federal bankruptcy judge overseeing the bankruptcy estate for Fair Finance has rejected an attempt by the law firm serving as bankruptcy trustee to convert its compensation agreement with the court from an hourly rate to a contingency fee agreement. Judge Marilyn Shea-Stonum was highly critical of Baker & Hostetler's Brian Bash, the trustee, for proposing the change 27 months into the case and his failure to pay out any money to the creditors. Bash has recovered more than $6 million from various businesses and individuals who received funds Durham and his business partner, James Cochran, diverted from the Ohio-based factoring company before it went bankrupt. The firm, however, had billed?about $3.5 million for its services through the end of 2011.?Bash had proposed allowing his law firm to keep 30% of the first $50 million he recovered, reduced on a sliding scale?to 15% for more than $50 up to $100 million and to 10% for any amounts collected above $100 million. Judge Shea-Stonum criticized the plan as ?heads we win, tails you lose? approach.

In an astonishing move, Bash got the bankruptcy court to approve the sale of United Express, Inc. to former business associates of Tim Durham for a paltry sum of $600,000. The Durham-controlled company had drained millions of dollars from Fair Finance over a several year period. Under the favorable terms of the sale signed off on by Bash, a former Durham business associate, Terry Whitesell and several other individuals, will be allowed to pay the purchase price over a three-year period in monthly installments ranging from $11,666?to $18,333. A?knowledgeable source says Bash blinked when Whitesell and his?associates threatened to close the company and walk off if he didn't approve the sale?of the company on their terms. The?source says other businesses in the truck trailer industry were willing to pay a far greater sum for?the company when they learned how cheaply?Bash was going to sell it to Whitesell and his business associates?but were rebuffed by the trustee.

Source: http://advanceindiana.blogspot.com/2012/07/bankruptcy-judge-rejects-fair-finances.html

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Trading penny stocks is not as easy as considered, so you need a lot of information on your finger tips. It?s the dream of every investor to get gigantic profit from his penny stock investment, so here are some guidelines for investing in fast moving penny stocks.


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Source: http://www.fastmovingstock.com/guidelines-for-investing-in-fast-moving-penny-stocks/

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Newer Post - Jay Quine on the Bible: Is Smoking Right or Wrong ...


Smoking is actually pulling tobacco smoke from cigarette and also stogie or water pipe into the teeth and often in to the lung in addition to puffing this out. Tobacco and cigarettes features a much time and checkered history dating. The tobacco place is believed to be broadly spread with America because the earliest century. People have reviewed tobacco pertaining to 1000 of years. Pictorial details associated with smoking date returning to the 11th century. Now right now there are usually hundreds of millions barbecue equipment entire world wide. A investigation claims that everyday regarding one hundreds of thousands people today consider their initial puff of cigarette. (US. Department of Health plus Human Service, 2009) Every decades zillion with men and women stop functioning from the put in place brought on by smoking cigarettes cigarette. Each year zillion involving people have got cancer tumor and lots of different health conditions the result of this smoking cigarettes and also cigarette. Many men and women concept in which nothing is wrong having cigarettes cigarette. Because some people imagine that smoking only affect them. But according to that bible cigarette smoking is wrong plus its a sin to smoking simply because smoking will not include that a great many advantages to the cigarette smoker in addition to alternative people. And understands in which tobacco is usually detrimental to these individuals plus the folks around them. The bible under no circumstances genuinely features a verse revealing us not necessarily in order to smoke. But every one sees that smoking is bad. And there are various negative influences from smoking.

Ethics could be the review of fine in addition to evil, right along with wrong. Christian ethic is inseparable coming from theology as it is grounded while in the identity connected with God. The endeavor of Christian ethics is always to determine what conforms in order to God's nature plus confronted with not.Christian utilizes the bible as well as character of God to find out that which is perfect or maybe wrong. Christian morality can be set up for the conviction that will a bare meaning order exist without using our own being. There truly isn't a somebody passage showing people never to smoke but based on God's personality all of us shouldn't smoke cigarettes and also the bible also offers us alert with all the too much drinking of wine for example the particular bible in addition explains individuals to look for the actual Holy Spirit to feel good rather then other chemical.

Christian morality is proven for the confidence of which a bare meaning arrangement exists without using our being. It is a morality from your design of God. The Bible tell us "The genuine lighting that offers gentle in order to everyman" (John 1:9 NIV) The Christian furthermore uses what the law states of like to know what can be appropriate or perhaps wrong. As Christian our own liability in order to enjoy our neighbor entails a straight far more fundamental obligation: our responsibility in order to love God. "The moral end and also very high beneficial is a glory involving God." (William Young, Baker Dictionary regarding Christian Ethics, 432-433) The Christian who acknowledge the actual truth of God's law will certainly bind their your life along with pay attention to it.

Smoking will be bad for our body. The Bible told people "Do you not realise that our bodies may be the temple in the Holy Spirit, that's around you, with whom you have received out of God? You will not be ones own; you had been bought in the price. Therefore reverance God in your body." From this an individual passage most of us understand that we will need to handle our system and remain healthy. And tobacco is usually not really a great distance to keep healthy. And Jesus also teaches us to get healthy throughout physical and psychic life. Smoking is definitely without any doubt pretty harmful in your health. Smoking continues to be verified to be able to damage this voice plus the heart. A research claim that will every single decades 5.4 a huge number people stop functioning from lung cancer, coronary heart disease, as well as other health problems instantly relevant for you to tobacco use.

The Bible tells us this "Everything is permissible for me- although not everything will be beneficial. Everything is permissible for me- although I will not be acquired by way of anything." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV) Smoking is not viewed as beneficial plus smoking is certainly not definitely honoring God along with some of our body. Nobody is cigarette smoking regarding your beauty regarding God. Everyone knows that there are not any gains from using tobacco cigarette there is benefits from selling butt and you get nothing intended for smoking. The bible command us never to allow our bodies to be perfected by means of anything at all along with cigarettes might be addictive as well as some individuals are mastered simply by smoking plus they simply just living waiting to be exposed that will smoke cigars along with just about all many people think of is cigarette. God don't want individuals to harm your system or perhaps everyone close to us in addition to tobacco can easily hurt us affiliates close to us.

There a variety of causes to never smoke. Some men and women say smoking cigarettes make these individuals experience good and yes it make all of them just forget about harmful things. Some people imagine that cigarette smoking assistance them shed there weight nonetheless cigarette smoking is usually unpleasant for ones wellbeing plus causes several disease in addition to disorders. Smoking bring about cancer, heart disease, plus chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. God doesn't need all of us to have disorder as well as pass away through smoking. And smoking cigarettes has many poor results upon the actual smoking efficianado smoking offers negative inhale and yellow teeth. Smoking furthermore offers unwanted effects on the skin. And it is difficult to see people in relation to Jesus when were smoking.

People should not smoking because cigarette smoking habit can be quite damaging of their financial. Christian must not devote presently there cash on cigarettes along with drinking. Many vapor smoke firms expend tremendous on promoting each and every year with august 2005 they spend $13 billion in promoting cigarette. Because butt corporations generate billions of greenback each and every month selling cigarette. The smoking habit features gotten more and more costly just about every year. The typical electric smoker spends $30 1 week pertaining to smoking. A study estimation the total price tag associated with cigarettes pertaining to someone each and every year is $3391. (CDC, 2002) That will be income that can choose toward costs and also your life expense and also we could assist the people who will be in require along with this money. Lower revenue people smoke significantly more as opposed to wealthy, plus commit a much higher amount with the salary on tobacco. And tobacco health and fitness generation costs achieve $150 million a year. (CDC , 2002) If your smoking efficianado continues concise many people get illnesses chances are they'll will need to spend some money to take care of all these diseases. Also, cigarette smoker may need to spend an abundance of funds for health and fitness and life insurance.

Tobacco corporations make so much capital through selling their product. Some Christian considers in which there's nothing erroneous by using providing light up when we really don't light up them. But the a person shared with people this "So throughout everything, accomplish for you to various other just what exactly believe have these perform in order to you, with this sum way up the law and the prophet."(Matthew 7:8 NIV) A many individuals develop into loaded through advertising cigarette. But Jesus conveys to us to be able to appreciate our enemy and pray pertaining to these individuals and something on the methods to appreciate other people isn't executing damage to them. And Christians are called to live "in" the world, not really "of" it. So we ought to not accomplish what on earth is wrong even though some people come up with a lot of money from offering cigarette. The a person also express "Don't message your behaviour plus traditions on this world, but enable God enhance you into a brand-new particular person by changing began seeing you think. Then you will see to be aware of God's will intended for you, and that is good and desirable and perfect." (Roman 12:2) Even simply because some people earn money carrying out things that is definitely bad including selling substance and cigarette. However, Christian ought not accomplish that and show towards the other people precisely how Christian are living at this time there holy life.

Since 1910 individuals have discovered within the poor impact coming from tobacco. And people understand that cigarette smoking is awful items and a lot of individuals are looking to leave smoking. In 2001, 22.8% of American adult, related to 46.2 million, smoked, and 70% involving them said many people wished to stop. (CDC, 2002) Many those who tried for you to stop smoking possess failed. A massive amount individuals are enslaved smoking. Christian whom isn't going to smoking must help persons give up smoking and ought to help avoid persons from smoking. Because if most of us don't' assist ban cigarette smoking or help reduce people from smoking this is the sin so it seriously isn't doing just what God want us all to do. Today a lot more metropolitan areas will be transferring rules preventing smoking with public locations like restaurants and also store as a result of known consequence of smoking and a used vehicle smoke. In fact, secondhand smoking may be much more dangerous to your non-smoker as opposed to one on one smoke to smoker. Christian should not smoke cigarettes because doing so will damage people in addition to Christian must support prevent cigarette smoking because preventing smoking cigarettes can assist individuals people that really don't smoking to become nutritious along with survive a superb life. So Christian need to prevent other people from cigarette smoking since a used model light up can destroy people and we should care for your body. Many people start cigarette smoking and some people imagine that they may under no circumstances acquire addicted along with grow to be a smoker. Other people imagine that cigarettes is easy in order to quit. But stopping is not really as easy as they definitely believe the idea will be. And there are elements inside vapor smoke which make the barbecue equipment passionate plus ensure it is tricky to quit smoking. As Christian in case all of us learn people who smoke we ought to suggestions along with help all of them to be able to kick the habit of smoking. Smoking is challenging that will terminate but with the help through God along with folks all-around they can supports and in addition they could turn into Christian.

One in the approaches to assist stop cigarette smoking is usually to show our own children regarding the harmful influence out of smoking. As along with almost most public-health problems, a primary huddle get rid of smoking could be the deficit of public education. People aren't absolutely aware about that hazard involving smoking, and it's also some sort of weak point that this cigarette sector will be rapid that will exploit. A homework indicate that will simply 25% with the Chinese inhabitants understood in which tobacco is appeared to be is definitely negative thus to their health. (WHO, 2007) Christian ought to tell as well as informed other people about the harmful outcome from tobacco. Christian parents should reduce their kids from smoking. As children mature towards teen, they'll often tune beyond exactly what his or her mum or dad says. But researches illustrates that mother and father are usually nonetheless your most profitable affect on adolescents, big decision, for instance no matter if that will smoke a pipe or even take or even have sex. ( Philip Morris USA, 2006 ) As Christian we have to show other people in regards to the harmful influence involving smoking as well as we ought to notify all of them related to Jesus.

Christian attitude to smoke enthusiast must be beneficial as well as know all of them mainly because a lot of people light up simply because they usually are strain plus they you should not include just about any hope inside life. Even those people understand that smoking is actually detrimental to them but they do not attention since hi-def have any hope in lifetime plus smoking help make these people just ignore the negative thing. Christian need to move inform the, about goodness along with tell them of which Jesus like them as well as show the particular love. And it'll produce these people have anticipation in lifestyle plus quit smoking.

Is smoking cigarettes wrong? Some individuals think that there's nothing drastically wrong using cigarette smoking because it seriously isn't undertaking anything at all bad. Other individuals are convinced cigarettes just isn't drastically wrong since they think that in case using tobacco is definitely bad the key reason why might God created tobacco. But we realize that every thing which God designed is good but because males sins in opposition to excellent knowning that create every one of the poor things on the earth exists. But everyone that will light up knows inside their own cardiovascular system of which using tobacco is actually completely wrong and in addition they should not complete that. Smoking is often a sin. But maybe while in the potential if we could make marlboro which will not damages your system it's possible this time smoking isn't a sin. But for the present time tobacco is wrong.



1. Christian Ethics. (February 25, 2010) gathered from /christian-ethics.htm

2.Green Trevor. (n.d.) "Why is definitely smoking damaging you- three most important reason" retrieved

3. History involving Cigarette and also Smoking (n.d.)

4. K. Kelly (2004) "Smoking Out". U.S. News & Report V.136 no3 p14 Ja 26 2004.

5. Mahoney Kelly (February 16 2010) "What that Bible Says in relation to Smoking" retrieved

6. N. Seppa (2004) "Men, Women Face Same Cancer Risk coming from Smoking" Science News V.165 no23 p357-358 Je 5 various 2004

7. Noebel A. David,Understanding the particular Times Summit Press (2006),Manitou Springs,CO 80829, Printed within U.S.A.

8. Patricia Curtis (2008) "Woman Smokers-Gambling making use of their Lives" Reader Digest-Jabuary2008 retrieved

9.Sharples Tiffany(2008) "Smoking will Kill One Billion People" Time Feb. 07, 2008 gathered from

10. Tobacco Point regarding Interest (2010) 11. What is actually Christian look at of Smoking? Is Smoking a Sin? (2010) retrieved coming from

13. Winickoff P. Jonathan "Ban tobacco throughout Public Housing" Newsweek Jul 13 , 2009 retrieved coming from

14. World Book Encyclopedia 2003. World Book Inc. the year 2003 Chicago, IL


16. http://

Jay Quine

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Source: http://houstonchurchsigns.blogspot.com/2012/07/is-smoking-right-or-wrong-health-quit_24.html

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