Sunday, July 8, 2012

The New Way To See A TV on PC ? Mo-Mo Article Directory

Whatever creative field you are striving to excel in ? whether it be graphic design, web development, blogging, or writing of another kind ? inspiration can be gleaned from any creative field, even if that field is not directly related to what you personally do. As artists striving to stand out in our own niches, it is important that we notice and appreciate ground-breaking or otherwise imaginative work done in a broad range of artistic spectrums.
In this article you?ll get inspiration from the area of creative writing in popular television series episodes from the past 40+ years, and we?ll discuss how the creativity achieved in these particular episodes can motivate all of us, as artists, to always strive to prevent our creations from being too normal and predictable.
The artists who wrote or co-wrote the TV Series episodes that we?re featuring here were accustomed to producing work in a familiar environment, in harmony with the shows? usual themes and settings. But in specific instances, those writers decided to create something unique that would long be remembered and appreciated. Some of the creativity was visual, other examples were more related to adjustments in theme, and others involved a little of both.
Let?s review how these particular episodes were different from what came before, and hopefully this will inspire artists today to become motivated to similarly push their work to a new level.
(Smashing?s side note: Have you already bought the brand new Smashing Book #3? The book introduces new practical techniques and a whole new mindset for progressive Web design. Get your book today!)


ryan braun bryce harper may day dan savage new world trade center kellen moore octomom

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