Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lawn Care Basics for the New Homeowner | Home Improvement ...

If you have recently become a first-time homeowner, you are most certainly very excited and proud! You know there are many benefits associated with owning a home. You also are aware that you face a lot of new responsibility as you will have to maintain your home which includes taking good care of your lawn. But before you pull out the lawnmower to start your lawn care, here are a few tips to help you get on the right track to having and maintaining a lawn your new neighbors will be envious of.

It is possible that your lawn is not in the best condition, especially if your home was on the market for a few months before you bought it. If you notice that your yard looks a bit tired and has some bare spots and weeds, it could benefit from some basic soil conditioner. The best conditioner for soil is organic-based and works to strengthen your lawn against weather extremes and to help the grass fight weed attacks more effectively.

To apply soil conditioner, first cut your grass and then spread the conditioner over the lawn to a thickness of about 10 millimeters. Now all you have to do is rake it in well and then water your grass. It?s that easy. This is an important first step in proper lawn care for any yard that has been neglected. After a couple of weeks, you will notice that your grass is greener and lusher with less weeds and fewer bare spots.

Get in the habit of cutting your grass regularly. You should set your mower?s wheels to a height that results in you only cutting about one-third off the top of your lawn. This will prevent the sun from damaging your grass during the summer months. It?s important to keep the blades on your lawnmower sharp as doing so is proven to reduce the chances of your yard getting some common diseases that can take over when blades of grass are cut coarsely. Proper lawn care also involves raking your grass regularly and pulling out weeds.

Once the leaves have fallen from the trees in the fall, rake them up. If you allow piles of leaves to remain on your yard until spring, you will have to start your lawn care routine from scratch as they will thin out your lawn and create bare spots. Before winter sets in, cut your grass one last time in late fall to a height of about 2 inches.

Source: http://www.oyeblikk.net/lawn-care-basics-for-the-new-homeowner/

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