Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Make Your Own Acne Mask | ArticleEffort.com

If you have acne-prone skin, you can treat it easily at home by making a homemade acne mask. Homemade face masks for acne can be made using a variety of ingredients, some which help alleviate the oiliness of your skin and some which help to heal the blemishes themselves. For maximum results, an acne facial mask can be applied daily as long as it does not irritate or overly dry out your skin. Here are some recipes to get you started in making your own acne face mask:

Bentonite Mask
Bentonite, or green clay, is a highly absorbent clay that draws out excess acne-causing oil from your pores. It is extremely effective while also gentle on the skin.
1 tablespoon of bentonite powder
1 teaspoon of apricot oil
2 drops of lavender oil
Mix the ingredients together with several drops of water or as needed. Wash your face, pat dry, and apply the mask. Leave on for ten minutes and rinse well with water when done.

Honey Yogurt Mask
Honey contains natural anti-bacterial properties which help kill acne-causing bacteria, while yogurt helps to cool inflamed skin.
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of plain yogurt
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of baking soda
Mix the ingredients together until the mixture is smooth. Wash your face, pat dry, and apply the mask. This homemade facial mask for acne is soothing and moisturising, and can therefore be left on for twenty minutes or longer. When finished, rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Oatmeal Honey Mask
Oatmeal has soothing and moisturizing properties that leave the skin feeling soft. Mix half a cup of quick cook oats with a quarter-cup of honey, and one cup of hot water. Leave for several minutes to cool before using. The mask should be applied while warm, and left on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse well.

Citrus Mask
Another cause of acne, besides oiliness and bacteria, is accumulated dead skin. When the dead skin cells mix with oil and bacteria, pimples are formed. This mask helps slough off those dead skin cells 5 minutes flat. Because of its acidity, it should not be used on inflamed or irritated skin blemishes.
3 strawberries, mashed
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1/2 a teaspoon of orange juice
Mix the ingredients well. Wash your face and pat dry, and wait several minutes so as to prevent irritation from this acidic mask. Apply the mask and rinse off after five minutes. Your skin will look radiant and soft.

Find more about Acne Mask and also about Remove Acne

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Source: http://articleeffort.com/make-your-own-acne-mask/

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