Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SNL Does Live Action Version Of Ambiguously Gay Duo

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Filed under: TV News > Gay Gay Gay > Silly! > Stephen Colbert > Steve Carell > Jimmy Fallon > Jon Hamm

So this happened.

SNL did a live action version of their popular animated shorts Ambiguously Gay Duo, written by Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell.

Starring Jon Hamm and Jimmy Fallon as superheroes Ace and Gary, watch as the animated short turns into a live action special!

Check it out (above). It's full of LOLzy moments!

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Posted: May 15, 2011 at 9:00 pm

2 comments to ?SNL Does Live Action Version Of Ambiguously Gay Duo? ?(RSS feed)?

Source: http://perezhilton.com/2011-05-15-snl-does-live-action-version-of-animated-ambiguously-gay-duo

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