Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5 Reasons Creating Information Products Should Be the Foundation ...

There are several major business models on the Internet. Some of them include: creating information products, Adsense, affiliate marketing, selling on Ebay, and even network marketing. All of these methods work just fine, but the most successful Internet entrepreneurs all have something in common ? they focus on selling things that they produce themselves. This article will focus on 5 reasons why selling your own products is the best way to do business.

1. One reason you should have your own products is that your business doesn?t depend on how any one company treats you. This is the case with Adsense, e-bay, and affiliate marketing to an extent. By being so spending on others, you are giving up a lot of control to your income, which can be disastrous if something happens to the company who pays you or if you are no longer in their good graces. This problem doesn?t arise if you create your own products, because your efforts don?t depend on another company.

2. A second reason is that you control your reputation. With affiliate marketing, if you refer a customer to a bad product, or to someone with bad customer service, that reflects badly on you. Oftentimes affiliates don?t review the products they recommend, and that is understandable because of a lack of time, but the result is that oftentimes affiliates will be tricked into recommending shoddy products. With your own products, you can be sure it is quality because you are the one who made it. So you can put all of your energy and efforts behind it without reservation.

3. A third reason is that you make more money. Why get 50% of the sale of an item when you can get 100%. Sure, there is a bit more time you spend on the front end to make your product, but once you make it, the rest is easy street because it is pure profit.

4. The best free traffic in the world is for product owners. What traffic am I referring to? Affiliate traffic of course. When you see huge launches in the Internet marketing community we hear hard to believe accounts of people making anywhere from 1-10 million dollars or more in a day or less. The number are real, but the way it is done is through efforts of affiliates. Being an affiliate yourself is ok, but having them work for you is even better because while they spend their time and money driving traffic to your website, you just sit back and collect the profits produced from their efforts. Sure, you might not get 100% of the money, but the money you get is 100%, and you also get the lead which is often worth more than the sale itself.

5. The last reason I?ll cover for creating information products yourself is that there will be much fewer competitors in a market. Many affiliates scour markets to find products to promote but t hey don?t want to be bothered with actually creating them. But product owners who are willing to go the extra step and make a product will find that there are fewer product creators out there than affiliates, so you will have an easier time establishing yourself in the market.

Do you want learn more about creating information products? To download your free report on ?27 Hot Ideas for Your Next Information Product?, visit today!


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