Sunday, September 4, 2011

Health And Fitness | Alternative to Fight Obesity & Type II Diabetes ...

America is facing a serious obesity problem. This rise in obesity is also creating a rise in the number of reported type II diabetes cases directly linked to obesity. Creating serious health challenges, more and more obese individuals are turning towards weight loss surgery as a solution.

Known as bariatric surgery, the most common weight loss surgery is the gastric band, sometimes referred to as a lap band or gastric bypass. Both gastric bypass and gastric band installation procedures can be performed laparoscopically with occasions that may require a full incision in some instances to complete the procedure.

Those experiencing very serious obesity (those that generally are 100 pounds or more over their ideal body weight with a BMI of 40) become candidates for consideration of gastric bypass surgery. Designed to reduce the amount of food that one consumes by shrinking the size of the stomach, this procedure will often result in significant weight loss for the patient.

The cost of weight loss surgery is often quite high and as with any surgery there are serious concerns regarding potential complications and/or side effects of this type of surgery. Also, as with any surgery, there is some pain, discomfort, recovery time, and the potential that follow-up surgery may be required at a later date for adjustments or reversal of the surgery (if it is not designed to be permanent).


Achieving weight loss with patients for decades, hypnosis is not a new solution to surgery by any means. In a pioneering new approach called Gastric Mind Band GmB therapy, Marian and Martin Shirran have created a hypnotic technique that acts as an alternative to surgery. Being dubbed as Lap Band Hypnosis by some, further pioneers such as John Maclean's Hypno-Band and Shelia Granger's Virtual Gastric Band therapies have been introduced.

Without the normal qualifications for being excessively overweight to become a candidate for gastric bypass surgery (as discussed earlier) a Virtual Gastric Band Procedure is available for anyone that wishes to achieve lasting, and significant weight loss. Other strengths related to looking to use hypnosis as an alternative to surgery are: the elimination of the risks associated with surgery, no time off from work is required for recovery, and the costs are very affordable as compare to surgical options.

Relieving stress, controlling pain, accelerating healing, and eradicating damaging habits for over a century; hypnosis is both safe and natural.


Using the power of hypnosis and ones subconscious mind, the "implementation" of the adjustable lap band is usually performed in the first hypnotic session. Sometimes the hypnotist will include the sounds and smells of "being in the hospital" in the hypnosis session to further enhance the effects.

Subsequent hypnosis sessions will focus on altering the individual's eating habits so they become "satisfied" even though they are eating smaller and smaller amounts if food. A significant part of this process is modifying the "full" signals to the brain that one gets when eating by getting the patient to eat slower, eating smaller amounts, and making better food choices. Additionally, the Virtual Gastric Band can be adjusted with subsequent hypnotic sessions to adjust or tighten the hypnotic lap band over time if required.


Shelia Granger in the U.K. has performed a study showing a 95% success rate for her lap band hypnosis procedure and the Shirran's report indicates a 74% success rate for their GmB method in Europe.

In an independent study I conducted with 10 participants during the very difficult and challenging holiday season (usually the most difficult time to lose weight for most people) using Virtual Gastric Band therapies achieved an average weight loss of 6.5 pounds during a three week period. These results are right in line with other studies conducted in the U.S.

Just as there is no guarantee that undergoing expensive gastric bypass surgery will generate the desire weight loss for any given patient, there is also no guarantee that lap band hypnosis will either. What lap band hypnosis can guarantee over a surgical option is that it is much safer, much less expensive, risk-free, and will still leave surgery as a last resort should hypnosis provide less than desired results.

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Article Added on Friday, September 2, 2011


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