Sunday, October 9, 2011

Company Expands Online Gaming Strategy to Aid Couples in the ...

Post image for Company Expands Online Gaming Strategy to Aid Couples in the U.S. Market

by Robert Weiss on October 7, 2011

Tokii, a Canadian based Relationship Management company, is expanding their unique online gaming platform to the U.S. Market for use by busy couples looking to improve the quality of their relationships. Developed in light of the statistic that 42 million Americans maintain sexless marriages, Tokii founder Carla Stephens Tolstoy, wanted to confront her client?s stressful work weeks and limited face time by bringing couple?s together through interactive games that encourage them to get to know one another?s preferences and desires, as well their willingness to make trades and negotiate.

?Our products, particularly our recently launched DiscoveryGames, help mitigate the boredom of monogamy which causes so many couples to stray.? Features like the ?Trading Post? are designed to focus partners on negotiation tactics, while the ?MoodMeter? relays a player?s feelings. The goal is to improve both sex and communication because they go hand-in-hand, Tolstoy said in a recent talk radio segment on CJAD. ?Because when you improve the communication, you improve the sex and vice versa.?

So, instead of spending time on a social platform like Facebook getting to know friends and colleagues, Tokii provides a way for individuals to get better acquainted with their spouse and upon their U.S. launch, Tokii will offer 20 new games a month insuring a constant flow of new relationship management tools for participating clients. Standing behind tested strategies, Tokii hopes that by ?enabling couples to move their individual digital experience to a shared one,? and offering their services for free- they will expand rapidly in the new market, sparking a new trend in contemporary relationship management.

CLICK HERE to read the full article, and learn more about Tokii.

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