Monday, October 10, 2011

Elder law, Canadian Lawyers for Elderly related matters | News Vision

As we age the things that affect our lives change and for the elderly, there are whole practices based on protecting them against abuse and exploitation and helping them plan their remaining years. This practice is elder law and assists seniors in avoiding the pitfalls of being elderly.One of the concerns applicable to the elderly in particular is abuse or mistreatment. A disturbing amount of mistreatment occurs, albeit in long-term care facilities or from trusted family members. It can come in a variety of forms from psychological and physical to financial and sexual or rights violations and neglect. These abuses tend to originate from someone the senior trusts or depends on like staff members at a care giving facility or family which makes the crime all that more devious in nature. In response to such actions, people across Ontario formed Elder Abuse Networks in an attempt to put an end to these practices. To read more about elder abuse read here and visit the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly?s website. Both explain the abuse issues thoroughly, offer telltale signs of abuse and guidelines for what actions to take. Also visit to find lawyer that practice elder law. Many lawyers offer 30 minute free consultation. consult a canadian lawyer and find out how she or he will be able to help.A less dramatic portion of elder law concerns estate planning. Perhaps a need has arisen from an unexpected decade of additional life that requires a will be modified. Long-term care facilities are costly and will revision may be necessary to maintain homeostasis. Consulting a lawyer with your estate needs can prove fruitful. They may recommend a senior have his or her capacity checked and verified at the time of modification, which will pay off later during probate. Another issue that comes into play as we age is the ability to drive. Although it is a privilege, many associate holding a license and driving with their sense of independence. According to The Law Commission of Ontario, ?Ontario?s Senior Driver Renewal Program requires drivers aged 80 years and over to take part every two years in a group education session and to complete vision and knowledge tests. Based on individual assessment, some drivers may also be asked to take a road test to have their in-car skills assessed. Some have suggested that older drivers should be required to take a regular road test, while others have argued that age by itself is not an appropriate indicator or driving skills, and that either all drivers should be regularly re-tested, or that re-testing should be based on specific functional indicators.? Many feel this program is unfair and targets seniors while others think it?s not enough or the age should be lowered from 80 to 70 or lower. These are only three of the categories addressed under the umbrella of elder law. Other issues pertaining to seniors include advance directives, assisted living facilities and retirement homes (planning, financing, etc), assisted suicide, pension plan, and others. A good place to read more about Elder law is at Canadian Elder Law and for more in-depth explanations on rights or courses of actions consult an experienced lawyer.Visit for comprehensive legal information on Canadian law, lawyers, Canadian local lawyers and lawyer.

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