Monday, August 15, 2011

Herbal cigarettes, is it security? | Home Improvement Tips

Today, many treatments that use herbal raw materials. In the cigarette industry has sprung up, many types of herbal cigarettes.?In the midst of herbal cigarettes have multiple benefits not found in nonherbal cigarettes.

For example, the Elimination of afthoos ulcer altghadanat stubborn, pressure on cholesterol and blood sugar, and useful as a ?Sweeper? of the body, especially respiratory poisons produced nonherbal cigarettes.

Herbal cigarettes are also able to heal skin diseases, such as skin itch or eczema, and help heal the wounds of diabetes which disperse the ashes of his patients.

This assumption is increasingly evidence shows that derasik the traditional spice herbal cigarettes. Such as wood and betel leaves, nine or miswak, honey contains the benefits of both bingisabenia.

Amazing, isn?t it?

Quitting smoking cigarettes

Most people assume a surefire solution herbal cigarettes. Particularly heavy smokers are very difficult to eliminate smoking habit.?Simply replace rokoknia with the herbal cigarettes, the problem is resolved. In fact, with a wide range of benefits, herbal cigarette smoking habits very positive things.

However, I like that?

In fact, historically, herbal cigarettes for the first time submitted ?Indian tribes?. For the treatment of pain in time, the mixing of invention, herb cigarette.

As the evolution of the times, herbal cigarettes now mix spices such as black cumin betel leaves nine, honey, Japanese grass from the sea, and other herbal ingredients, with the tar and nicotine levels drop.

Though still herbal cigarettes, tobacco use is not believed to negatively affect the body because of the low tar wenikotinia.

However, health experts still doubt it. Test results of laboratory analysis assumes a herbal cigarettes still effects is not good for the body. Furthermore, control of the levels of tar and nicotine wekwaliti which is not clear to all rokoknia production.

Although composed of a variety of herbal ingredients that benefit the body, there is still a presence of free radicals from cigarettes. This is serious and obviously due to free radicals can cause failure of the metabolism of the body.

Newer technology has found a way to eliminate free radicals from cigarettes. This means, as developed in Japan, use sakrol or coal is burnt and put near filters in cigarettes.

However, this technology is used in herbal cigarettes so that in addition to kibermanvatan, herbal cigarettes still negative effects such as nonherbal cigarettes.

Finally, all decisions in your hands. Please vote smokers. Still smoking a cigarette with any risks, nonherbal. Replace herbal cigarette smoking habit many benefits but still negative aspect.

It may be, you will select the best, quit smoking now. Herbal cigarettes or cigarette nonherbal.

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