Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to Get Workers Compensation Funding Workmans Comp Loan in 3 ...

How to Get Workers Compensation Funding Workmans Comp Loan in 3 Simple Steps?

No-Risk Loan for Pending Workers Compensation Insurance Settlement!

Most of workers involved in Workers Compensation claim or lawsuit do not realize they can get workers compensation funding or worker comp loans before their case settles. If you are a plaintiff, involved in a Workmans comp case or lawsuit and represented by an attorney, you may be eligible for an simple cash advance on your pending workers comp settlement.

This is also known as non- recourse Workers Compensation lawsuit loan, Workers Comp funding, Workmans Compensation loan or Workmans Comp funding.

What is Workers compensation or Workmans comp?

Workers compensation or Workmans comp is a state-mandated insurance program that provides compensation to employees who suffer job-related injuries and illnesses. This system was originally known as Workmans compensation. Today, most jurisdictions have adopted the term Workers compensation as a gender-neutral alternative.

Federal government administers a worker comp insurance program for federal and certain other types of employees. Each state has its own workers compensation insurance laws. The first workers comp insurance state law was passed in Maryland in 1902, and the first law covering federal workers was passed in 1906. By 1949, all states had enacted some kind of workers compensation insurance program.

In many states, if your employer did not carry workers comp insurance coverage, or your justified worker compensation claim is denied by the workers compensation insurance company, you may be able to file an insurance terrible faith civil lawsuit against the insurance company. To file that you should hire an expert workers comp attorney.

When a person works for a living, a personal injury or disability can have a serious impact on his or her life, family, health, and finances. The road to recovery is sometimes long and expensive, and a worker might well lose his/her home, health and family waiting for relief.

You may have a strong Workers Compensation case or lawsuit and a fantastic attorney representing your case, but the insurance companies can afford to wait. But you can not, you need money now. Without a workers compensation funding, you may have no choice except to settle your Workers Compensation claim or lawsuit for whatever you can get.

But with a workers compensation funding or loan, you also get the advantage of some deep financial pockets yourself. A solid worker compensation funding company is always backed by vast institutional funds. So you will not have to accept too small too early from the insurance company that provides your Workers Compensation (Workers Comp, Workmans Comp or Workmans Compensation) coverage.

Workers compensation funding companies will not fund a Workmans comp claim or lawsuit if the state statute concerning direction of payments requires the claim to be paid directly to the claimant and not first to the trust account of attorney? These states are: AR, AK, CA, DC, HI, KS, KY, MA, MD, MN, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OR, PA, TX, UT,VA, WA, WI. But they provide workers compensation claim funding in all other states.

Third Party Liability Lawsuit:

When an employee is injured in the course and scope of employment as a result of a negligent third party, the worker has the right to pursue a lawsuit against the third party in addition to pursuing a workers compensation claim. For example if a wire cable installer negligently hid a wire that caused your trip and fall at your work place; you may sue the cable company and also if work place injury is caused by a faulty machine supplied by a vendor.

Third Party Lawsuit Loan Funding:

When you are involved in Third Party Liability lawsuit you can get a lawsuit funding or a lawsuit loan on your pending lawsuit in every state except in Ohio. This is also a non-recourse loan, which you pay back only and if you win or settle the case.

You can get your Workers Compensation Funding Workmans Comp Loan in 3 Simple and Simple Steps:

1st. Step ? Submit the Simple and Simple Application.

2nd. Step Your attorney faxes the required documents to worker comp funding company. Approval for Workmans comp loan is always quick. Mostly in 24 to 48 hours (some times in 4-6 hours).

3rd Step ? If approved for Workers comp loan, funds are wired into your bank account, the same day. Of course, you can take a bank check also.

Workers Compensation Claim and Lawsuit Funding Program Features and Benefits:

1. No application fee, no up-front fees: A excellent workers comp funding company should not charge any application fee or any upfront fees at all.

2. No credit requirements or employment history ? To apply for workers compensation funding, the credit score of plaintiffs is never an issue.

3. No monthly payments- A excellent workers compensation funding company would not charge any monthly payments.

4. No payment until the case is resolved- You need not to pay back your workers comp loan until your case is resolved.

No settlement? No repayment Once you get a workers compensation loan, you pay back to workers compensation funding company only and if you win or settle the workers compensation claim or lawsuit. If you lose your case, you do not owe the workers compensation funding company anything. The workers comp loan advanced to you is yours to keep.

The workers compensation funding or worker comp loan is the really safe, secure, no-risk solution. This protects your family, assets and any needless jeopardy to your credit history.

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Source: http://www.chrisritch.com/workers-compensation/how-to-get-workers-compensation-funding-workmans-comp-loan-in-3-easy-steps/507

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