Friday, July 29, 2011

10 Ways to Curb Cravings and Change Your Bad Habits | O3 Health ...

??????????? As part of your fitness protection program, I feel I need to pass along concrete tips on how to stop both overeating and impulse eating which sabotages your workout regimen.? Big surprise: exercise is the key.

??????????? A short dose of movement, especially outdoors, if possible, is proven to strengthen self-control.? In the July-August IDEA Fitness Journal, an article with supporting research outlined a study designed to stress participants out completely.? As a part of a study on exercise and self-control, researchers asked participants to abstain from eating chocolate for 3 days, thereby increasing cravings. Researchers then gave out a variety of chocolate bars, asked participants to unwrap them, and told them not to eat the chocolate. Before they could partake, a control group was asked to take a 15-minute treadmill walk.? Walkers showed smaller blood pressure increases during the stressful, self-imposed chocolate quarantine, thus suggesting that exercise helped them better cope with the challenge by reducing their chocolate cravings and urges to eat it.

??????????? Studies also show that people gain a mood boost when they do a physical activity ? outdoors for the greater mood boost, but indoors works too.? And it only takes 5 to 10 minutes.? Joe Barton, PhD, lecturer in sports and exercise science at the University of Essex, England, found that a longer workout does not yield better results.

?Flipping a tire is good exercise?

??????????? Curbing your craving with activity can also help you kick a smoking habit and add vitality to your physical well-being.

??????????? Here are 10 ways to move during the day.? These are in addition to personal training and bootcamp classes, by the way, although one of those sessions will no doubt have lasting mood enhancing effects for several hours afterward. Do one of the following anytime you feel the urge to mindlessly eat something that isn?t healthy or planned.?

??????????? Outside, you can:

  1. Walk around the office building, or lunge walk to the mail box.
  2. Cue up some music and jog around the house or up the street and back.
  3. Take your child or the dog outside for a quick race.
  4. Pull a few weeds or water the plants.
  5. Stand outside and stretch; take 5 deep, slow breaths and exhale fully.

Inside, you can:

  1. Stand up and stretch every 30 minutes.
  2. Walk to the farthest bathroom when you need the restroom.
  3. Stand up and walk around the room when you talk on the phone.
  4. Get up and move around during every commercial break while you watch TV, or between chapter/article breaks while reading.
  5. Dance to background music.

Hope this helps to just say no!


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