Sunday, July 17, 2011

Obtaining the very best Spot for Business Networking

Business Networking Like you Own the Place

One of the best things you can do when trying your hand at business networking is o get it out of the board room. You might think that all business people will appreciate a solid business environment when trying to hammer out a deal but it's just not the case. You can actually scare off a contact by seeming too much like a business monolith and not enough like a peer with which they can relate and do business.

The main reason is because board rooms are cold, impersonal placed. When you invite a new potential client to your office and settle into a meeting room, people naturally go on the defensive. It's environment that tells them they are going to be on the receiving end of a hard pitch and despite the fact that there is a door - it's not always easy to exit.

A great way of achieving success when wooing a potential business contact is to take them to your home away from home. This means you need a more comfortable less stuffy and imposing an environment to socialize with them in. Many public establishments like upscale restaurants, steak houses, or for the more cavalier a bar or pub can be perfect for this because they are in the business of being comfortable and inviting.

They're Inviting - For the purposes of courting a business contact your office space may very well not be the most ideal place to do business. With a warmer atmosphere, such as with a pub or coffee house you can take some of the edge off. This can make the conversation more organic and less of a "Business affair."

It's Still Your Turf - Don't just take a potential client or lead source to any old location. It should be one you know, where you know the staff or bartender. Go frequently and the place becomes yours. Business there will become second nature. When a potential client sees how much the staff trusts you, it helps them trust you as well. Over time, that location becomes an office away from your office where business deals will take place.

You're Easy to Find - This also makes you easier to find when people want to reach you outside of business hours. If your prospective clients are on the hook but not reeled in they might come swimming by to see what you are up to and to see if you are maintaining the same relaxed personable demeanor you had with them. Impromptu meetings at "the usual haunt" have begotten quite a lot of business over the years.

The Drink - It doesn't really matter if it's wine or whiskey, client depending, sometimes you can really grease the wheels of commerce with a single drink. Buying your prospective clients drink tells them you are willing to invest in them. It also makes things a bit more relaxed and let's conversation and business flow more freely.

Don't be a stuffed shirt, let the hair down once in awhile and show your clients or prospective clients that you can be a good social contact as well as a business contact. Your prospective anfcd=]d established clients will appreciate you more and have a closer relationship when you show them they can connect with you.


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